8/2000 Radio Flashes (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
8/31/00 - KLSX site says Merrill Shindler on Sunday moves to 3-5p for sports. Check site schedule for other changes; I still can't print it.
8/30/00 - KFI still hasn't revised their site schedule chart, but the host pages show Fred Ebert on Sat & Sun, 6-9p but don't list Ted Rall. I was starting to listen to both.
8/29/00 - KFI hasn't yet revised their site schedule, but on Melinda Lee's page it says Sat noon-3p only.
8/28.1/00 - Schedule changes due at KFI by this weekend due to new owner. Like Melinda Lee moves to Sat 'noonish' to 3p. 'Noonish' could be between 11a and 1p; she's not sure yet. No more Sun show. Check site schedule just before weekend for newest info.
8/28/00 - Merrill Shindler, Sunday on KLSX, could move from his normal 5-7p slot to 3-5p due to sports anytime. Check both times and the site schedule, if it works, but it could take them weeks to post their changes.
8/26.1/00 - On Labor Day check for stand-in hosts (who can do better than regular hosts) and special shows, especially on the NPR (FM) stations. Don't have and may not provide any specific details.
8/26/00 - KPFK has a problem with interference from XLNC1. See 8/25/00 LAT, page F1 for details.
8/24.1/00 - Won't be able to update Favorites till Sat or Sun, if then.
8/24/00 - Almost broadcast web radio? www.sonicbox.com allows you to wireless from your computer to their portable radio for up to 100 (??) feet. This may be the first of its kind, costs $100, complete with remote control, and they are sure to get better and cheaper. LAT reports much, much less range and clarity. See today's LAT, Business section, page C1.
8/23.2/00 - Still no word when Mayor Riordan and Chief Parks will be on this month. Check the sites on Favorites M-F for the dates or the LAT, and don't depend on me. Sometimes they only give a same-day notice.
8/23.1/00 - Gary Lycan 8/21/00 also said: "KNX/1070 AM is airing "Gracie Allen for President" episodes at 9:30 p.m. Saturdays through Nov. 4. The all-news station will also simulcast CBS-TV's "Survivor Reunion" special at 10 p.m. Wednesday. ... Author Jackie Collins guests with Kelly Lange 6-9 p.m. today on KRLA/1110 AM. ... Several callers have asked what they can do to bring back the canceled "Radio a-Go-Go." Two ways to voice your opinion: call (818) 623-7098 or E-mail Radioagogo@aol.com. ... KFI/640 AM's Rush Limbaugh now has his own Web site: www.rushlimbaugh.com." Try to read his and other columns weekly, cause I don't usually have the time to put any of it here.
8/23/00 - "Survivor Reunion Special," the TV show will also be on KNX 1070 AM, 10-11 p.m., tonight per LAT. Saw something about it yesterday but forgot to include.
8/22/00 - Gary Lycan this week says there are two ways to express your opion about the canceled "Radio A Go-Go" show: call 818-623-7098 or email Radioagogo@aol.com. It was one of the better music shows; miss you.
8/21.2/00 - Richard Wagoner's 8/18/00 column in RAVE! listed the top web radio stations or whatever. See www.arbitron.com for the complete list. Looks like only two L.A. stations, KLOS and KABC, made the top 50.
8/21.1/00 - For more intelligent talk try Fred Ebert, Sun, 4-7p, KFI, just before Ted Rall. He may fill other spots also.
8/21/00 - Chief Parks was on KFWB, 10-11a today. Check the LAT or maybe the site, but they only give a day or so notice. Per today's LAT.
8/20/00 - For a talk show try Ted Rall on KFI Sat 6-9p & Sun 7-10p. Only heard a few minutes, but sounds interesting.
8/17/00 - Steve Kight doesn't currently have a web site, but he is writing for www.foodline.com. Email at steveknight.is@gte.net. He still does restaurant reviews on Elmer Dill's radio shows on Sat & Sun on KIEV. Remember when he had his own restaurant show about five nights a week on the old KIEV?
8/14/00 - Yesterday's LAT, page U2, shows DNC coverage: 9-11a & 1-2:30p on KPCC 89.3 FM; 1-3p on KCRW 89.9 FM; and 5p to conclusion on KFWB 980 AM, KNX 1070 AM, KPCC 89.3 FM, and KCRW 89.9 FM. Many other news and talk stations will also cover it.
8/13/00 - Gary Lycan says Hal Lifson and his "Radio A Go-Go" show are gone from KRLA. See Gary's column for more.
8/12/00 - Seems like many of the talk, news, and FM noncomercial (NPR) stations will cover something about the Democratic National Convention (DNC?) from 8/14-8/17/2000 or rather the hot demonstrations. At least one NPR show started coverage of the RNC on the preceding Sunday. Tune to your favorite shows, and see what they offer.
8/10.1/00 - You're on your own for weekend favorites. I can't update till Sat or Sun, if then.
8/10/00 - The Thursday LAT Calendar Weekend mag hasn't had a radio column for about two months or more. That the good news, cause the columns were so bad. Why don't they get someone from my 'Columns and Columnists' list? Several could do a better job, and it seems like a major paper would cover radio; even the Daily Breeze does. I didn't even see the usual radio-tips list in today's paper.
8/6/00 - Thanks for the help in finding the new KLSX web site at www.fmtalki.com/home/index.asp, but it crashed my Netscape. At first I tried www.fmtalki.com, but it didn't like my Netscape and wouldn't let me in without downloading a newer version which I can't do. Bleep KLSX and their web site. I may have to delete all references to them as I can't get updated schedule info. PS - After a few tries the first URL did let me into the site, but when I tried to print the program schedule pages the schedule info was blank. Bleep the site. [Read me at zlap.to/laradio]
8/5/00 - "Judicial Watch Report" www.judicialwatch.org on 870 KIEV AM is live most places, but not in L.A. Why?? Available live on site and/or check site for live broadcasts.
8/3/00 - More changes at KRLA: Chef Jamie Gwen moves from Sat 5p to Sun 8-9a. Should be a better time for me to listen. Also, at KIEV Judicial Watch will be this Sat 10p to Midnight. Keep an eye on these and other unstable station for other changes which I may not have time to report or post.
8/1.1/00 - Concerning changes mentioned in the 7/31.1/00 Flash, I won't put those changes into the Sat & Sun Favorites till I'm sure they aren't just changes for host and show vacations.
8/1/00 - For the Rep Nat Conv, KPCC 89.3 FM had a summary, maybe about 8-8:30p yesterday. Check for exact times.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. The * marks changes.