8/28.2/99 - The L.A. Weekly had a few 'Radio Picks' this week and also a few weeks ago. Didn't see them on their web site.
8/28.1/99 - Merrill Shindlers' Sunday show will move from 5-7 p.m. to 3-5 p.m. when football starts.
8/28/99 - Both Melinda Lee and Merrill Shindler have recipes at BristolFarms.com.
8/25/99 - Ask the Mayor with someone else.
8/20/99 - Kenny Morse will be filling in for Ken & Rick Minyard on KRLA 1110 AM on Firday, August 20th. from 3 to 7p.m. Kenny usually does the two shows on Saturday. Keep an eye on his web site.
8/18.2/99 - Calendar, above, stopped working for a while, but now it's back.
8/18.1/99 - Melinda Lee is normally on Sun 2-5 p.m. on KFI. However, on 8/21/99 she will be on Sat from 3-6 p.m. She will not be on Sun 8/22/99. The details are on her page at the KFI web site.
8/18/99 - Verification - I'm not even trying to verify the weekend shows over the Summer. But I will add stuff as I find it. I sleep late and do other stuff. Like the Little Manila project took a lot of time, and it's not done yet. Verification should resume in the Fall.
8/12/99 - KRLA has been listing their weekday schedule in the PennySaver paper for a few weeks. Don't tell anyone about your weekend schedule! Don't get a web site! Dumb!
8/10/99 - Weekend Results. Melinda Lee Moves. Since 8/1/99 she has been on Sunday, 3 to 5 p.m. on KFI 640 AM. How about that, I so glad she's still on. I missed so much radio last weekend, that I'm not going to update the favorite radio shows page this week, except for Melinda. Maybe I'll put verification on hold over the Summer, what with the hit count so low.
8/3/99 - Weekend Results. Melinda Lee wasn't, and I emailed her. The "Enttainment" show with Kenny Morse is off during the sports season, but he's still on the Sat "The Driving Show." A new show called "Access L.A." will be on once a month on Sunday, from 7-8 p.m. on KRLA. Not only is KRLA so stupid as to not have a web site, but they didn't even say WHEN once a month. The show will interview the "power" people in L.A.
See my radio pages for more info. The * marks changes.