9/2000 Radio Flashes (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
9/28/00 - To update the 9/27 comment, starting Monday on KCRW "Which Way L.A." moves to 6:30 p.m. and an NPR show starts at 1 p.m. As of today this wasn't on their schedule yet.
9/27.1/00 - Keep an eye on Columns & Columnists. I plan to add about three links as time allows.
9/27/00 - Watch KCRW, Mon-Fri, about 1p and 6:30p for program changes. I didn't catch the details.
9/14/00 - Two spots on the new KFI schedule are TBA: Sun midn-3a and Mon 1-3a. In the past they have used Clark Howard repeats to fill some of this space.
9/12/00 - KFI has updated their overall program/schedule chart, but it's on another URL. Try www.lainsider.com/kfi640. Think it was the 'Hosts' page that Crashed me.
9/7.1/00 - As of tonight, KFI and KRLA still have out-of-date air schedules, and I still can't get KLSX's to print. Good luck. I'll be off the computer for most of the month. Use the message board to leave each other tips.
9/7/00 - Today's Wall Street Journal, page B1, says Howard Stern's numbers are down: 12% in New York and 20% in Los Angeles both over the last two years. But, "no one else is noticeable gaining."
9/5/00 - Did you like any of the 'Specials' over the holiday weekend? If so, leave a message on the board.
9/2/00 - KFI has not yet revised their overall schedule chart, but some host pages may be correct. Can you believe Marcia Clark has about six hours per week: Sat & Sun, about 3-6p. Remember the team that couldn't win the O.J. trial? Who would listen?? What could she say?? Can anyone host a show??
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. The * marks changes.