11/23/02 - From www.talkers.com/talkaud.html, their top 10 list, the newest info from spring 2002. Now it's:
1. Rush Limbaugh - 14.50+ 2. Sean Hannity - 10.00+ 3. Dr. Laura Schlessinger - 8.00+ 3. Howard Stern - 8.00+ 4. Michael Savage - 6.00+ 5. Art Bell - 4.25+ 5. Jim Bohannon - 4.25+ 5. Dr. Joy Browne - 4.25+ |
5. Don Imus - 4.25+ 6. Neal Boortz - 2.50+ 6. Ken and Daria Dolan - 2.50+ 6. Clark Howard - 2.50+ 7. Michael Gallagher - 2.25+ 7. G. Gordon Liddy - 2.25+ 7. Bruce Williams - 2.25+ 8. Kim Komando - 1.75+ 8. Tom Leykis - 1.75+ |
8. Jim Rome - 1.75+ 8. Doug Stephan - 1.75+ 9. Glenn Beck - 1.50+ 9. Michael Medved - 1.50+ 9. Dave Ramsey - 1.25+ 10. Bob Brinker - 1.25+ 10. Dr. Dean Edell - 1.25+ 10. Phil Hendrie - 1.00+ |
"Top Talk Radio Audiences by Size. (Weekly cume low-end estimates 12-plus in millions rounded off to the nearest .25 million based upon TALKERS magazine analysis of a national sampling of Arbitron reports supported by other reliable indicators in rated and non-rated markets for FALL, 2001)."
Rank, host, and millions are from www.talkers.com, their "Talk Radio Research Project," posted for Spring 2002. All stations are AM except FM. This page was started 6/1/02, still working 6/15/02. Station air schedules.
Rank | Host | Millions | Format | Day/Time | Station | Site (note 1) | Streams? Note 3 |
1. | Rush Limbaugh | 14.50+ | conserv | Mo-Fr 9a-noon | KFI 640 | www.rushlimbaugh.com/ | Yes - live from site |
2. | Dr. Laura Schlessinger | 10.00+ | relations | Mo-Fr noon-3p | KFI 640 | www.drlaura.com/ | Yes - live from site |
3. | Howard Stern | 8.00+ | shock | Mo-Fr 3-11a | KLSX 97.1 FM | fan? site at howard-stern.org/ | ? |
4. | Dr. Joy Browne | 5.00+ | relations | www.drjoy.com/ | rebuilding site? | ||
4. | Sean Hannity | 5.00+ | conserv | Mo-Fr noon-3p | KABC 790 | www.hannity.com/ | Yes - last show anytime |
4. | Michael Savage | 5.00+ | Mo-Fr 4-7p | KPLS 830 | www.michaelsavage.com/ ? | ||
5. | Art Bell | 4.25+ | strange happenings | We-Fr 10p-5a, + Sa & Su | KFI 640 | www.artbell.com/ George on Mo & Tu | |
5. | Jim Bohannon | 4.25+ | ? | not in L.A., try CA (Note 2) | www.jimbotalk.com/ | ||
5. | Don Imus | 4.25+ | Mo-Fr 5-9a | KPLS 830 | ? msnbc ? | ||
6. | Neal Boortz | 2.50+ | libertarian | Mo-Fr noon-2p | KPLS 830 | www.boortz.com/ | |
6. | Ken and Daria Dolan | 2.50+ | money | WOR ? | |||
6. | Clark Howard | 2.50+ | consumer | Mo-Fr 4-7p | KLAC 570 | clarkhoward.com/ ? | |
7. | Michael Gallagher | 2.25+ | conserv | Mo-Fr 6-9a | KRLA 870 | SRN ? | |
7. | G. Gordon Liddy | 2.25+ | conserv | www.theggordonliddyshow.com/ ? | |||
7. | Bruce Williams | 2.25+ | was Republican? | talk america ? | |||
8. | Kim Komando | 1.75+ | computer | Sat? | www.komando.com/ | ||
8. | Tom Leykis | 1.75+ | shock | Mo-Fr 3-8p + reruns | KLSX 97.1 FM | www.blowmeuptom.com/ | |
8. | Jim Rome | 1.75+ | sports? | www.jimrome.com/ | |||
8. | Doug Stephan | 1.75+ | intel talk | Tu-Sa? 2-5a | KRLA 870 | www.dougstephan.com/ | |
9. | Bob Brinker | 1.25+ | money | Sa/Su 1-4p, Mo 2-5a | KABC 790 AM | www.bobbrinker.com/ | |
9. | Matt Drudge | 1.25+ | news flashes? | Sun 7-10p | KFI 640 | www.drudgereport.com/ | |
9. | Dr. Dean Edell | 1.25+ | health | Mo-Fr 3-4p | KLAC 570 | www.healthcentral.com/ | |
9. | Michael Medved | 1.25+ | liberal gone conservative? | Mo-Fr noon-3p | KRLA 870 | www.michaelmedved.com/ | |
9. | Dave Ramsey | 1.25+ | money | www.daveramsey.com/ | |||
10. | Glenn Beck | 1.00+ | leans libertarian? | not in L.A., try CA (Note 2) | www.glennbeck.com/ | ||
10. | Phil Hendrie | 1.00+ | stick | Mo-Fr 7-10p | KFI 640 | www.philhendrieshow.com/ | |
10. | Opie & Anthony | 1.00+ | suspended? | www.opieandanthony.com/ | |||
10. | Michael Reagan | 1.00+ | conserv | www.reagan.com/ |
9/19.4/02 - "Who's tops in talk. Rush Limbaugh is the greatest radio talk-show host ever, says the trade magazine Talkers. The magazine's September issue rates the top 25 radio talk-show hosts of all time, based on "talent, longevity, success, creativity, originality and impact on both the broadcasting industry and society in general." Larry's tip. More and TV at www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/ent_radio/story/19940p-18902c.html. Rush puts me to sleep, I won't listen to Howard, and more, so please don't judge talk radio per these shows. Find what you like. Also see the list of national talk hosts, above, for links, schedules, etc.