Chundrea’s Wedding

"Do you need me?" Andraste was at the door just minutes after Orion had left. It had worked.

"Amazing!" She said in wonder.

"What's amazing?"

She thought quickly. "This temple. You did this?"

"With a little help from heaven." He smiled proudly. "Do you like it?"

"I think it's wonderful, Ande." She embraced him. "But why didn't you tell me you were doing this?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Andraste, I got an even bigger surprise just a few minutes ago. I was visited by a god."

Andraste's expression became more serious. "Inside the circle?" He asked. She nodded. "Heavens be praised. "

"His name was Orion. He said I should warn my people again. And he told me to learn the spells in gram's book. He said I'd be a leader someday."

He looked into her eyes.

"Last night, I had a dream while I was sleeping inside the circle. A goddess came to me and told me that you would be a powerful woman. She said I should marry you." He reached into his pouch and drew out a ring of gold. "That's what I intend to do."

"Oh, Ande!" She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I must tell mother at once. The temple must be prepared." She started to leave. Andraste grabbed her arm.

"No, Chundrea. We are to be married here. Nobody but us. Alone. THe gods will witness. She said it must be that way."

Chundrea nodded.

"Then we must do it as such.When do you propose we have the ceremony?"

He took her hands.

"How about right now?"

The marriage ritual that went on between Chundrea and Andraste was unlike any other. Their marriage was unknown to any of the other villagers, not that the others would mind, but usually the whole village looked on as you pledged your love for one another. Only the gods witnessed the marriage of Chundrea to Andraste, and that was just as they wanted it.