Chub Gam 3-D: Director's Cut is named Freeware Game of the Year 1998
January 9, 1999; Leading freeware guru Nicholas Fabian has announced the "10
Best Freeware programs in the World" Chub Gam 3-D: Director's Cut,
the #1 downloaded 3-D freeware game on the Internet, was named as the best Freeware Game
of 1998. Nicholas Fabian called the ChubGamSoft development team
"trailblazers" and described Chub Gam 3-D as an "artistic, technical and
creative achievement." Fabian also applauded ChubGamSoft's "personal
generosity in sharing their discoveries with the rest of the world." Chub Gam
3-D was named along with 9 other visionary programs, including the Linux Operating System.
Past award winners have included Microsoft
Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
Fabian, freeware guru
The Award Logo
The "10 Best Freeware programs in the World" award was established in June 1995 by the FABIUS Library. Ten individual yearly awards are presented in January. Public participation in the selection process is invited by publicizing the event on the Internet. The ballots are tabulated on the 31st day of December of each year and are used to weigh the scales toward the most frequently selected contestants. The final decision to assign the awards are reserved for the FABIUS Library and the selected guest judges.
Four rules are used to select candidate software: 1. It must be FREE, useful, and non-destructive. 2. It must serve a large group of people globally. 3. The software engineering must be sound. 4. It must perform as advertised. No excuses.
Chub Gam 3-D Director's Cut is available for immediate download on the
World Wide Web (Download links are available on the ChubGamSoft website). Based on the
award winning original Chub Gam 3-D, the action adventure game is being published under
the ChubGamSoft® brand name and distributed worldwide.
Chub Gam 3-D Director's Cut features the original exciting levels from the first game as
well as several new levels and improvements. Director's Cut includes many new enhancements
including: Digital Cinema cut scenes which tell the shocking story, several surprising new
levels, new characters to interact with, enhanced animations, and more digital sound/MIDI
soundtracks. To provide a full gaming experience, Chub Gam 3-D Director's Cut includes the
voices of the main characters: Chub, a man of mystery and Rex, a scientist bent on
"Director's Cut breaks new ground in terms of complexity, size and game play in a
freeware title. It is the most immersive freeware game on the Net, and we are thrilled to
deliver the final product to consumers," said a Chub Gam 3-D developer. "The
success of the original Chub Gam 3-D, which has seen more than 540,000 downloads
worldwide, demonstrates the appeal of this property in the marketplace."
The game is a mix of first-person action sequences, and original cinematic sequences, all
inspired to enhance the original Chub Gam 3-D and created using 3-D technology. The story
line of the game follows the experiences of a Harrier Jump-Jet pilot. The pilot crashes
his Harrier in an strange place. One of the two Harrier pilots survive the violent crash
landing. The Harrier pilot's only hope is to follow a voice echoing across the foreign
terrain. The player is welcomed into Chub's castle, but what does he have in store for
you? Encounter waves of enemies and weird characters. Not the usual 3-D corridor shooter.
The player will be ready for anything with an immense array of weaponary at their disposal
including: shotguns, machine guns, grenades, missile launchers, and toxic chemical
weapons. The game also includes realistic graphics, music and sound effects, in order to
further immerse the player.
Chub Gam 3-D Director's Cut supports 386, 486 and Pentium technology from Intel
Corporation, Pentium technology will accelerate game speed by an average of 30 percent.
Consumers who do not have hardware compatible with Pentium technology can still enjoy the
game on their PC. ChubGamSoft recommends an Intel 80386-33 microprocessor with a
SoundBlaster-compatible digital audio card as the minimum system requirements.
ChubGamSoft is a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software for
use on personal computers under the ChubGamSoft brand name. The company is also developing
software for use on next generation machines, the Internet and on-line gaming services.
Products are available internationally on the World Wide Web through premier software
archives such as ZDNet, C|NET and others. Product and company information are
available for download from the ChubGamSoft World Wide Web site. All trademarks are the
property of their respective holders.
© 1999 ChubGamSoft. All Rights Reserved. Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation.