
A Medieval Folksong

The nightingale among them Sang sweet and loud and long,
Until a greater voice than hers Rang out above her song.
For suddenly, among the crags, Along the narrow vale,
The echoes of a hunting horn Came clear upon the gale.

The hunter stood beside me Who blew that mighty horn
I saw that he was hunting The gentle unicorn --
But the unicorn is noble, He knows his gentle birth
He knows that God has chosen him, Above all beasts of earth.

The unicorn is noble; He keeps him safe and high,
Upon a narrow path and steep, Climbing to the sky,
And there no man can take him, He scorns the hunter's dart
And only a virgin's mighy power Shall tame his haughty heart.

What would be now the state of us, But for this unicorn?
And what would be the fate of us, Poor sinners, lost, forlorn?
Oh, may He lead us on and up, Unworthy though we be,
Into His Father's kingdom, To dwell eternally!

Written by: Ein Volksleid

Pegasus and Unicorns
With wings or with horns
Soaring up high or cavorting below
There is just one thing you need to know
When you are blue
And feeling so down
This message is for you
To take away that frown.
Though we cant see them
Or find it hard to believe
They havent forgotten us
Just look in your heart and you will see
The hope and the love
That has been left to you
A gift and a fantasy
Lives always in you.

Unicorns, Unicorns
Majestic creatures with magic horns
They prance and play
By night and by day
With love in their hearts
That hatred can't break apart
Happiness and joy
Be it a boy or a girl
Because a unicorn is pure
Oh, such a beautiful cure
If only people could have such feelings
But sorrow and hate seem so appealing
That we cant be happy as they
And love, dance, and play all of the day
If only our hearts could in some little way
Be as pure as a unicorn
We would be reborn
And love like an angel
To everyone we know
Instead of depravity dragging us low.
So remember to hope,
To love and to dream
And maybe some day
Life will be happy and serene.

Both poems written by Walterene