I hope this site is enlightening to you...I am trying to include
various bits of knowledge and information from my reading ventures
as well as tables on stones and candles plus information on magick.

Please note Witches Way is now offering Website Awards...
You cannot apply for these in the usual manner...
I explain on the link below...

So pick an avenue of interest, get started and most of all...enjoy!!

Well, I'm finally remodeling so please pardon the flying dust *G*
All links should be working but some may be incomplete so just have
a little faith in me...thank you
You can choose your destination below by clicking on each link ; )

a table of crystals candle colors and meanings delve into Tarot

Some simple magick! Take a webring journey! Find out how to win an award here

a bit about the webmistress

some groups I support Our Lost Child about my kids

Memberships I belong to Witchy Frequently Asked Questions Living With Lupus

This is my site familiar, Eyla...she watches over things
when I'm gone. "Good Girl!" Please do not take her...
she was made just for me but if you follow her link you
can get your own site familiar ; )

If you would like to link to me, you may use one of these banners

Banners by SaberWoman Creations
Banner 1 Artwork by Jonathon Earl Bowser
His artwork is Spectacular and he has allowed the use of it here
Please stop by and take a look at his wonderful work
Jonathon Earl Bowser

To read the old guestbook data, click Here

Guestbook by GuestWorld

I've just gotten a new, fun guestbook...give it a whirl!!

Now playing...Witchy Woman by the Eagles

    Custom Graphics & Site Design By SaberWoman Creations
    Do not duplicate without authorization!

    SaberWoman Creations