Community Awareness Meeting
February 6, 2001

This meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Present were 38 residents, David Bosek, Tim Burke, Grounds Operation Department members: Brian Pahel and Mike Throndset and office personnel Catrina Sanchez and Rachel Pendleton. Minutes from the previous meeting were read by Catrina Sachez.

Regarding Millenium Cable : Having digital service installed is being discussed at this time. As of now the only way this can occur is if a satellite dish is placed every 5 homes, to be shared by those persons.

Cable Channel 23 will be a community based channel to be used for information and possibly advertising.Power Point will be sending someone in mid-February to train the staff.

A Rudgate budget meeting will take place this month to discuss expenditures for the coming year. Management wishes to purchase a television and have cable installed in the community building if funds are sufficient.

Regarding the Waste Management Company: If you have any complaints with the company that handles waste disposal in this community, please write a letter listing your complaints and bring it to the office. Management will see that it is delivered to the proper people. Performance reports are written weekly and the staff does check after the job is completed, to ensure that it is done correctly.

A report was given by the Grounds Operations Department . All fire hydrants were checked and the snow was removed from around them. Residents need to remember to not push snow and ice into the street while clearing thier driveways. Residents are advised to check around thier homes to be sure there is an access panel near the sewer.It is important for access panels to be near both the water and sewer lines. If Roto-Rooter needs to be called to unplug your lines they will not crawl under your home. This will then mean that siding will have to be removed in order the repair a plumbing problem. Remember to check your heat tape to make sure it is operating properly. If it is not working the freeze plate on the bottom of the water meter will break. Heat tape should be replaced every 3 years.

No soliciting is allowed within the community. If you notice someone please contact the office.

Mail Mall: Congestion at the mailboxes continues to be a problem.....No-Parking signs have been posted and the mail mall is monitored daily. The heaviest traffic times are between 2:30 and 5:00. Tempers flare and there have been many near accidents. Please use the near-by parking spaces when picking up your mail.

The role that Tim Burke has wihtin our community is expanding. He is now the Security Coordinator for Silver Springs and Rudgate-Clinton. Congratulations Tim. Applications are being acccepted for security personnel and interviews are being conducted. Security will be improved with-in the community. The police and security personnel will be more visible. The Clinton Township Police Department is very supportive of efforts within the community to deter crimes. The rules stated in the Rule Book are going to be enforced more strictly.

Are Community Awareness Meetings Necessay?

Although this meeting was better attended, the last few were not. We feel that the sign at the maibox was a big help for this meeting. Some suggestions were: have meetings March thru November only or possibly every other month. Please leave any suggestions you may have in the suggestion box at the office.

Resident Larry Dannhauser spoke of the possibility of establishing an Activities Commitee to promote activities and handle fund raisers for community activities. If you wish to volunteer for something please leave your name and number at the office. More information is available at the office,

Refreshments were provided by Mr. and Mrs. Cantell and Sharon Duncan. Thank you very much.

This meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

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