Community Awareness Meeting

January 9, 2001

This meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. Present were approximately 15 residents, office personnel: Manager-David Bosek, Tim Burke, Catrina Sanchez, Rachel Pendleton and guest speaker Captain Maierle from the Clinton Township Police Department...

The agenda for this meeting was a review of last years accomplishments and the coming year goals..

Captain Maierle gave us a report on the statistics for this community during the past year. Statistics showed that there was a 50% decrease in the number of calls as compared to 1999. The bike patrol will be continued this year. There are also currently 2 motorcycle officers with plans to add more. Community cooperation is a contributing factor in controlling crime. Use of the pager service is encouraged. If you know of any problems please inform the office or page Tim so that problems may be handled quickly. Photos are also helpful if possible. You may remain anonymous if you wish. A report was also given on the progress of the new police department building located on Groesbeck. It should be completed near spring of this year.

Praise was given to Dave and Tim on the prompt handling of security issues.

If you have any suggestions that you would like to have added to the future security of our community, please inform the office.

Please remember while picking up your mail to be courteous to other residents. Please refrain from blocking the driveway and from throwing your junkmail around the area.

For those residents that have Millenium Cable : There should be more information at the next meeting concerning the possibility of Millenium installing digital service to our homes. Channel 23 will be used as a station for the community. It will be used for advertisements, minutes of the monthly meetings, etc. Cable is also being installed in the Community Building and a television is being purchased.

A pay phone for the parking lot is not financially feasible for this community.

The bus shelter may not be completed until spring. There has been problems with the contractor.

Residents commended the efforts of the grounds crew keeping streets clear of snow. While plowing the streets, it is unavoidable that some snow will be left at the bottoms of driveways. If you know you have a drain in front of your home please try to keep it clear of snow and ice.

A company will be coming into the community to take care of the fire hydrants that are snow covered. They will be checked, cleaned and visibly marked so they can be readily located if necessary.

Pet owners will be held financially responsible for any damage that thier pet causes to other persons homes or yards.

If you have a vacant home near you please keep an eye on it and report any problems to the office.

There are many concerns about the garbage removal company. The contract they have with Clinton Township will be ending in the spring. If you have problems or complaints please write a letter to the city and bring it to the office. The staff will make sure they are stamped and delivered to the proper persons.

Residents were asked for suggestions as to how we can encourage more people to become involved in the Awareness Meetings. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Suggestions are also welcome for uses of the community Building. Some suggestions are as follows: televised sports events , monday night football, bingo, card parties, aerobic classes, etc. If you have any suggestions please call the office and they will be considered.

An independant judge was in the community before Christmas and 3 homes were picked for best decorations. Each of the winners recieved $50.00 off of Januarys rent.

There will be an Easter Open House on April 7, 2001. The Easter Bunny will be there to see the children.

This meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

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