People I Adore

Introducing the Butta Crew!

Rob: My boyfriend. We started officially dating on August 6th, 1998 and we are very close already. He is one of my favorite people in the world because he is just such a chill guy. He's always happy, always smiling. He doesn't get angry very easily or very often and doesn't hate anyone. he is very easygoing and easy to get along with. He doesn't dislike anyone except The Whore (his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him the entire time they were together). He can play guitar like no ones business and he makes me swoon when he plays "Fade to Black" and "Unforgiven 2" by Metallica (he loves Metallica). Rob goes to Chaminade, which is an all-boys Catholic high school on Long Island. I tease him all the time ("Chaminade boys wear pantyhose! Chaminade boys drink beer through straws!") but he always laughs. He treats me so well and is the sweetest, nicest, most generous guy i know. Our relationship is so simple. I respect him, he respects me. I trust him, he trusts me. I love him, and he loves me. It's all good.

Jayme: My best girlfriend. She is so ill. She's a "riot grrl" and very punk. She listens to Hole, Nirvana, Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin. She got me into learning how to play guitar and we're starting a riot grrl band called "Minute Maid." Jayme is beautiful; long blonde hair and she's so thin. Jayme is Croatian, and I make fun of her for having "dirty Croatian friends" but she knows I am kidding. We do so much weird shit together and she is one of the only people in my school I can tolerate. Jayme used to go out with Jeremy for a long time, but they broke up and now she is swinging single but VERY into Greg. I can tell her anything and we have so much fun together.

Peter: My best guy friend. He is Rob's best friend and he goes to Chaminade too. He used to want Jayme, he's over it now. Pete did Tae Kwon Doe, and can kick my ass any day. He understands so much about me, and he is a really good listener. Pete is super-smart and is going to go into the Coast Guard Academy next fall. No matter what, Pete always makes me laugh. He drives an awesome Jeep Wrangler and we take it to the beach because it has no top. He has a bad habit of getting kicked in the balls whenever he feels a girl's newly shaven legs (inside joke). Oh, and he loves Austin Powers, baby.

Greg: A good friend of Rob's. He hooks up with Jayme a lot. He is really quiet and shy, but he has got to be the funniest guy I know. I just look at him...and bust out laughing. He has blue, blue eyes and says random funny things and makes us all laugh. I'll keep you posted on him and Jayme.

Jill: Well...I don't know if she belongs in this section, but...I adore her because she's my cousin, but I've not really been liking her in the past few months. She's 20 and hangs out with my sister a lot. She's really skinny and I refuse to go out with her anymore because all the guys always hit on her because she's thinner than me. She used to date this guy for 2 1/2 years, but they broke up and she has been with a lot of random guys since then. She loves me anyway, but she can just be such a bitch sometimes. We all can, but...I think she abuses the privlige a little.

Brielle: Brielle and I were best friends before I started hanging out with Jayme, Peter, Greg and Rob. I still love her and stuff, but we're really growing apart. She never wants to hang out with us, but I always invite her to. She's beautiful, and she's been dating Jon for the past year and a half. He's ok, and I always hung out with them so I don't really understand why she won't hang out with me and my new boy. I don't know...I trust her a lot and I still love her. But people grow, and people change. I guess we're both changing, huh?

Sean: Sean is such a damn goofball. He is just the kind of guy that wants to have fun no matter what. He is cool to go out with on "Garbage Night." Garbage Night is the night before the garbage trucks come and all the cans are at the curb. We drive around, pick them up and throw them. It is pretty fun

Dan: If one more person tells me how hot Dan is, I swear I am going to vomit. Dan is so chill. He gets kinda violent sometimes though. He bit my sister once and gave her a huge bruise on her arm. He is such a fucking pisser tho. The boy is so funny.

Carsten: Ooh, Carsten. My sister likes him. He is a junior (the rest of us are seniors), but the boy is so smart. He takes physics and calculus and all AP classes and shit. But he is such a nice guy. I used to not like him, but once you get to know him, he is great. He was dating Maria for about a year, but they broke up. They are still friends tho. Carsten's real name is Chris and his LAST name is Carsten, but we all just call him Carsten. My siser thinks he is gorgeous. She swoons whenever we hang out with him. Carsten is also good to have on garbage night. He likes to dress up in togas and get very drunk. Carsten makes fun of Mocklers voice, and Rob's extensive use of the word dude ("Dude, that would NOT be cool!") and the way I laugh. It's all done in jest though and we know it.

Jen: My sister. She's 14 but really cool. We used to hate each other but now that she is in high school with me, she became cooler. She hangs out with me and my friends and is good at keeping secrets. Oh, and she is in love with Carsten.

Gee-Off: Ok, his name is Geoff (like Jeff), but we call him Gee-Off. He is the nicest guy I know. He is so considerate and generous. He goes to Chaminade with Rob and Peter (Dan, Sean, Carsten, Jen, Brielle, Jon, and Jayme all go to Hicksville High School with me. Greg goes to St. Anthony's.) I think he has a crush on my sister, but I am not sure.

Mike: (AKA Big Tits). Mike goes to school with Rob, Pete and Gee-off. We hang out with him sometimes but he has a system in his car and listens to rap music. We don't like rap. I used to think he was an asshole, but he got nicer recently. We call him Big Tits because he just has abnormally large breasts and these huge nipples. He thinks he can get any chick he wants...ummm ok. ;o)

Mockler: Eric Mockler. Called in 3 bomb threats to our school last year. He's a big trouble maker, but he can be a fun guy. But...he's dating Donna. She has him completely whipped and takes complete advantage of him. She makes him buy her lots of expensive shit. He does it. It's sad.

Donna: Ugh. We don't like her. None of us do. That is all that I have to say about that.

I was going to devote a section to "People I Abhor" but decided against it because I don't want to trash anyone unless it's on the main page of this journal (kidding.) The people I loathe will be introduced to you on a need-to-know basis. Fear not. There aren't many.

I want another cigarette