I got suspended from school. Not cool, Beavis.

I had to ride the bus for ONE day because my mother took away my car because I was talking back to her. I got to school OK, but the busride home was the busride from hell. Seriously.

Now before I begin, I just want to mention that the neighborhood I live in is predominantly black. Well, now that I think of it, it is actually pretty close to a 50/50 ratio. But the blacks that live in my neighborhood are lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. They all hold good jobs. They aren't poor. They don't speak in ebonics. They left that duty to their children. So I have grown up knowing more black people that a lot of people do.

I get on the bus and sit down. My sister is sitting across the aisle from me. This kid Jermel (who is about 4 feet tall) comes to my seat and kneels on it, facing the back of the bus. He keeps pushing me towards the inside of the bus, against the window. I say to him, "Excuse me. You are sitting on my stuff." He then picks up my bag and throws it on the floor. Then I say, "Why did you do that? Get out of my seat." Then he picks up my stuff and throws it on the floor AGAIN. So my sister says, "Jermel, move out of the seat so my sister can come sit with me." So he moves and instead of getting up, I throw my legs across the seat so he can't sit back down. He then proceeds to assume the same position he was in, kneeling on the seat facing the back of the bus. Except now he's kneeling on my SHINS. So I shove him off and his friends finally persuade him to move to the back of the bus.

Then the insults start flying. From Jermel and Jermaine. Jermaine is another kid who is about 14 years old and 4 feet tall. I mean, I can't repeat the things they were saying...and I have a pretty vulgar mouth. I just sit there and don't say anything because I know if I say somehting, I won't stop. So then they start in with the racial slurs. "CHICKEN HEADS!" they shouted at me and my sister. This went on for a good five minutes. So I finally sit up and say to Jermaine, "You must have a lot of respect for your mother to speak that way. What would she say if she heard you talking like that?" Jermaine got so mad. He screamed, "What did you say about my mother? Don't talk about my mother!" He then comes to my seat and slaps me in the face with all of his might. I sit there for a second, stunned. Then I get up and go after him. I clearly remember punching him in the face, in the eye, a few times. The rest is kind of a blur. It took my sister (who weights more than I do) and this kid La Shaun who is about 6'4'' to pull me off of him.

We get off the bus and I start hysterically crying. Not at the pain or anything but at the principle. I have to take the bus for ONE day and I am physically assaulted? WTF? How fucked up is that?

So then my sister starts crying and we call my mother who leaves work to come home. Then we call Jill. She leaves work and makes a few phone calls and the brings a carload of her friends from the ghetto to take care of these little kids. These guys are huge.

My mom gets home and calls the cops. She is pissed. She wants this kid arrested. She spares him. He stands on my front porch in hysterical tears. It was actually very funny. I am fine except for a few bruises on my shins and a red mark on my face from where Jermaine slapped me. I was in better shape than him. I broke his glasses and gave him a black eye. The eye that I hit, the white of it was blood red. I felt bad for a minute. It went away.

Rob was so incredibly pissed. He still wants to kill the kid. So does my cousin and her friends. So does the Butta Crew. But it is taken care of. And in as much as I wanted his ass royally and severly kicked, I told them to back off and let it go. Tonight is Halloween. Hee hee.

So I got suspended for fighting. They told my mother I had ISS (In School Suspension) and she refused to let me serve it. She came to the school and I had a meeting with the 3 Assistant Principles and the Principle and my mother. She refused to let me serve ISS. They decided that I was to serve it. My mother took me home.

Here is the kicker. The Principle told me that after I was hit, I should have sat there and cried. My mother told him that she instructed me to beat the shit out of anyone that touched me. It was pretty cool.

Now there is a lawsuit against the school for suspending me when it is outlined in every rulebook of the school and of the state that I should not have been suspended. There is also a lawsuit against Jermel and Jermaine for sexual harassment.

I just want it to be over. But my politically minded mother wants to persue it. *Sigh*

I want another cigarette