
Personnel Duty:Chief Science Officer. She coordinates all use of the Mindscape web and the supervision of any procedure in the labs.

Height/Weight:5'6/104 lbs.



Outward Appearence:Nervous and very paranoid. Mira looks like a college kid who's been cramming since October and hasn't slept yet, even though her clothes somehow remain neat as a pin.

Outward Personality:Like the way she looks sometimes, Mira is a time bomb waiting to happen. The Mindscape has been both her blessing and her curse, it's given her hope, yet it's also driven her crazy. Even she doesn't understand it fully and she's obessesed with remedying that fact, no matter what the cost. She feels for the test subjects, and really wishes that they didn't have to be exposed to the treatements YET, but lab space and equipment isn't cheap, and she has to keep her bosses happy...

Inward Personality: Mira hates her work, and she now hates the Mindscape. All she wants is for Project Orpheus to go up in flames and Tourin to be in it when it happens. Constantly she is plagued with nightmares of the potential fate of the youths, pushing her over the edge of control and sanity at this point. As stated above, she is very dangerous to the future of the Project, since she knows more about the Project than even Tourin does.

Biography:Always an avid studier of the human mind, Mira was a talented but perhaps overzealous student of it. Her biggest interest was in PSI phenomenon, especially after rumors were passed about that the Soviet Union had actually conducted credible studies and usage of psychic talents. In her free time in medical school, Mira studied the biological link to PSI powers feverently. 8 years of exhausting study gave her all sorts of near-misses on the nueral chemical in every human mind that triggered PSI's. That's when she met Osiris. Osiris was a guest lecturer, and he was so impressed by Mira's constant questions about neurochemistry, he actually decided to treat the young student to a dinner and night out. The date was fine, even IF Osiris was a little strange and didn't act....normal. The real shock came after Mira had blurted out something about her extra-cirricular research. Osiris just smiled as they continued eating..and the stomach cramps began. The pain was so sharp and excruciating that Mira even blacked out from the experience. When she woke up in her dorm 10 hours later, she do nothing but think about a mysterious design that had entered her head during the fainting spell. A series of tuned electromagnetic waves to the human mind...everything transmitted into readable formats....including molecular...THEN she'd have her answer. She presented her machine to the medical community, and it was a hit to say the least. Unforutnatly, the unit was also expensive and HUGE. She'd need serious backing to make the dream come true, and the UN was the knight in shining armor that Mira needed. They guarantee'd her enough resources to house, constuct, and test the unit, even providing suitable subjects for effective testing. Thus, project orpheus was born.

But the mother of Project Orpheus is growing more and more terrified of her brainchild. The design, though seemingly an inspiration, seems to be a life of it's own right, something false and evil. Whether this obessession is her own fevered mind or something else is up to debate......