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 Story: Chuck
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 Story: Rebel Revenge

Here’s another one of my stories, unfortunatly it isn’t finished. Anyway here is what I have so far.

Star Wars: Rebel Revenge

By: B.J. Jacobs


Han Solo sat at the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon as it approached the Soya system. " Chewy, prepare for a landing on the planet Gromas." Said Han. As the Falcon roar through the system it was spotted by two TIE Fighters. As the TIE's came in closer the Falcon continued to travel on an undisturbed course toward Gromas. The TIE's began to fire and scored hits very seldom. Han began to be annoyed and armed the concussion missiles and targeted the closest TIE and waited until the lock buzzed in his ear with a light screeching noise and he released one fiery missile at the Imperial ship. Then immediately targeted the next TIE waited and fired. The first TIE was destroyed in a blur of static and fire, while the second attempted to dodge for a moment but the projectile shattered the cockpit in an explosion of systems and the ion engines blew apart. When the short battle was over the Falcon continued on it's course and landed in a small field. Han, Chewy, and 4 rebel troops stepped out of the Falcon. " Okay split into your groups and gather any information you find even if it sounds sense less it may be of some value to the alliance." Han said in a low quiet voice. As groups of two split into different directions but all heading towards Gromas Mines.


"This mining corporation is the perfect way to supply our new Dark Troopers with in the most powerful armor imaginable." Said Sheve Centrol to General Sulamar. " Very impressive Captain Centrol I'm sure Admiral Daala will be pleased with your project. I only hope that this operation stays a secret and is only known by Admiral Daala, You, your workers, and me." Said General Sulamar. As General Sulamar walked away he noticed a piece of Crotateum, the metal Captain Centrol was mining. He picked it up and put it in his pocket and headed towards his shuttle. Meanwhile in his quarters Captain Centrol sat staring at the production rate. " We have lost production by twenty-seven percent!" He said as he slammed his fist into his desk and almost knocked off his glass of Bolean. " I cannot believe this twenty... seven... PERCENT!" He said as he stormed off into the turbolift to go to the main communications station. He turned on the intercom and said at the top of his lungs, " If Production doesn't raise up by thirty percent I will personally blast half of you!" He was so outraged that he left the comm. room without even turning of the comm. system. He felt as if he should set of the hidden sequencer charges under the mining corporations levels and leave this planet. When the comm. came on and said, " This is General Sulamar I've just got word that Admiral Daala has granted you a five hundred thousand imperial credits toward financing your business and she will be coming personally to see some of your production in action and rate it if she thinks the grant should be doubled. That is all Sulamar signing off. Well he felt even madder that the Admiral would be here when his production rate was down but the grant raised his hopes slightly.


As Han and Chewy closed in on the lightly guarded mining facility they spotted an open door and recorded that the entrance they would go in was very lightly guarded. Then Han and Chewy went in to the facility very quietly. To their surprise only two storm troopers guarded a large metal door and Han figured that something important might be in there so Han sneaked up on one troop while Chewy took the other and they strangled both troops and found the door was access card sealed they had to find an access card. So Han slipped into one storm troopers armor and knew that this plan had worked before so he cuffed Chewy and pretended to be taking him to a prison cell. On their walk around the mining facility they came to an imperial officer and he asked where he was taking that thing. Han pulled out his blaster and blew a smoldering hole in the officers chest. Han noticed he had a blaster cartridge and took it to supply his weapon he also notice a small rectangular shape glimmering in the mans pocket and found out that it was an access card to a safe in room 34 on floor E. So Han and Chewy took the turbolift up to floor E in search of the safe.


On Courescant Princess Leia Organa was attending a meeting with the rebel high officials. " I know you all may have figured out that we have a fleet of Calimarian Cruisers in orbit around Donte II and is remaining there. Well I figured you may be wondering why it's there, well I'll tell you." Princess Leia said as the doors of the old Imperial palace closed. " A team of some of the best reconnaissance men we can afford are in the Soya system investigating an Imperial Mining Facility the Gromas Mines as we call them. The fleet is there so if any Imperial Ships Follow the Corrillean Transport The Millennium Falcon back here we can wipe them out before they know where they are. Now the fleet has ten X-Wings, six B-Wings, eight A-wings, and four Y-Wings. Plus three Mon Calimari Cruisers, five Nebulon B Escort Frigates, and seven Corillian Corvettes. The fleet will destroy any imperial ships entering the system." She said " We won't need to worry to much about it when they return. Well any questions? No? Good your dismissed."


Chapter 2


Back on Gromas Sheve Centrol was pacing around his room and mumbling, " If I get this grant doubled then I'll get one million imperial credits and if I don't get it doubled than I'll get five hundred thousand credits. It better get doubled." He stormed to the turbolift and pressed the keys to go to floor G and the lift roar up to floor G. He pushed the communications manager out of his chair and picked up the comm. port and said, " All personnel report to Stratus chamber immediately!" Then he slammed the port back onto the control deck and left the room to the turbolift to go to the Stratus chamber.


As soon as Han and Chewy opened the doors of the turbolift ten imperial officers where there and Han couldn't decide whether to pull out his blaster and go down shooting or to let them take him, but instinct told him not to pull his blaster. The imperial officers just walked passed them and went down in the turbolift. Han saw a door sign that said 34. " Chewy this is it and nobody to stop us." Han said quietly but excitedly. They entered the room and saw a small durasteel box in the corner of the room. Han saw a slit in the box big enough for and access card. Han put the card in the slot and the door flew open. All that was in the box was a data disk marked "Command Personnel Information CLASSIFIED" and Han took it and put it in his durasteel pouch and his side. Then they went into the lift and went down to explore floor D. When they came off the lift no imperials were in sight and the only things in the room was a rack of blasters and a data pad which an imperial officer probably used as a journal.  Han took it anyway because it might contain imperial secrets or passwords to access imperial information or imperial information brokers. Then they stepped into a large room with holo-projectors on the walls." I wonder what they use this place for?" Han said rubbing his chin and then Chewy growled in agreement.


As princess Leia, the Chief of State for the New Republic sat at her desk and read from a data pad a rebel spy bought from the black market on Nar Shaddaa. Whoever sold it to him probably stole it. As she was reading she saw a file on Durga the Hutt. She remembered her encounter with Jabba the Hutt. That thought brought a chill to her spine. She remembered the Hutts are from the planet Nal Hutta and she read that Durga was a light crime lord and was constructing a mining facility in the Hoth asteroid belt. Oh how she remembered Hoth the ice planet where her brother Luke was attacked by a wampa snow monster and she didn't want to think about that anymore. The name of Durga's mining facility was called Orko Skymine Corporation. Then she was startled by a rebel officer from the command crew of the Mon Calimari Cruiser Defiance. He said," Mrs. Organa a fleet of Victory-Class Star Destroyers has just jumped through this sector and may have dropped off some probes. We did get their hyperspace coordinates. Should we pursue or even see if they did drop off some probes?" Then Princess Leia said, "Slow down now maybe we should send 3 A-Wings to check for probes and send about 7 probes to the coordinates we got." Said Princess Leia. " Yes ma'am!" and with that the officer left her quarters.


" Well now that you are all here we can begin to talk" Said Captain Centrol. " You probably didn't know that Admiral Daala herself will be coming to see our production, but we are down twenty seven percent and I want that to go up to one hundred percent before she arrives! If she likes what she sees she will give us one million imperial credits and if not then she will give us five hundred thousand credits and I want the one million!" You better get that down twenty seven percent cleared in three standard days!" Your dismissed." After his lecture he went into his office to take a rest, but all he could think about was the one million credits.


As Han and Chewy searched the room all they found was seventeen imperial credits probably lost during the use of the room, but Han took it anyway because they may be able to pay someone to give them information. If they wouldn't do that here because they figured if they were imperials then they would already know what they wanted to know. So Han and Chewy left the room and went down the empty corridors. When they came to the turbolift the door flung open and revealed an imperial officer. Instantly Han drew his blaster and shot 3 blast of high powered energy into the officer and now the officers carcass lay on the floor with two burning holes in it. Han saw nothing to take exept some credits. Han figured they may be of some use later. Then Han took one of the blaster rifles and one extra cartridge from the rack and gave it to Chewy who was uncomfoterble with the binders on. Then the two went down to floor A which was underground at that time. Then they found a piece of metal and took it as if it may give them a lead on their mission. They went on down the tunnels where the workers worked and began to look around.


Chapter 3


On the Imperial  Lambda-Class shuttle Infiltrater Admiral Daala prepared to land her shuttle in the private landing pad. "All personnel are ready to land Admiral." said the navigational engineer. " Good I can't wait to see what Captain Centrol has made down on that pitiful planet." Said Admiral Daala as the landed on the pad. Four turbolaser turrets placed on each corner of the landing pad sat armed and ready to blast anything that came into range and wasn't identified. As Admiral Daala stepped out of the shuttle and down the boarding ramp to the landing pad. "Greetings Admiral. we have been expecting you. You presence here honors-" Captain Centrol was cut off when Admiral Daala said, "Forget it let's go see this factory of yours. I Hope I'm impressed." "Don't worry you will." Said Centrol.


When Han saw a coded door he wondered what was on the other side. He took out the data pad and entered a search for passcodes. It read Code for door 121 is: 34#@567fg2367. Han looked at the door it said "Door 121" Han entered the code and the door flew open. Inside several stormtroopers where standing guard while three imperial officers worked at control panels. Chewy burst out with a roar and began firing his blaster and the troops fired back when Han saw what was happening he drew his blaster and fired four stormtroopers went down fast while others remained okay. Then one troop shot and hit Han in his left arm but due to the stormtrooper armor he was lightly scratched. Han immediately shot the trooper. The stormtroopers and officers had all been killed. Han saw the access card for the door they had seen earlier. Well Han and Chewy's blasters were almost empty and they took all the unused cartridges from the troopers. Then they went to the turbolift and went to find the door.


Han and Chewy found the door just as 3 stormtroopers came down the hall, they blasted them with little effort. Han slid the Access card into the door and it creaked open slowly. When it finally opened they saw the bases master computer control station. Han went to one of the stations while Chewy watched the door. The screen read " Please insert insignia." Han took the rank insignia off of his shoulder and slipped it into the opening. The screen read " Access granted." Han went to a file marked "Base Layout and Main Controls." Then the screen said, "Please enter password." Han thought for a second then he remembered the Data Pad! He took the data pad and looked for a password and he found one. He typed in the password and it said, "Access Granted" Then Han took out a data disk and copied all the files from the data bank. Then he went into a file marked "System Commands" Han went to shut everything off when a group of storm troopers came in. Shocked to see them the troopers reacted slowly. Chewy was the first to shoot. He hit two stormtroopers in the chest and killed them. Then Han shot and killed three more. The single remaining trooper ran but Chewy got him first. Han removed the data disk and put it in his pouch. Then he shut down all the systems in the complex and the surrounding area. Then Han took his Communications Link and told all the remaining troops to return to the Falcon. Then they ran for the nearest exit.


While Admiral Daala and Sheve Centrol were looking out into the mine the power went off. Admiral Daala said, " I'm not very impressed so far." Sheve pulled out his personal comm link and said." I want all systems on immediately!" Then he ran down to his Main Computer in his office. Then his comm buzzed, "Sir...intruders...level B...Escaping!" The comm said with a lot of static. No this can't be happening, not now he thought. Then began to work with the controls to regain power.


Han opened a door and the dust air from outside swept in. Han and Chewy ran towards the spot where the Falcon had been parked. On the way they saw four rebel troops come running up. Han said, "Where is the rest of our team?" "They've been killed." Said one of the troops. Then they got into the Falcon and began to take off. As soon as they took off some Imperial Tie fighters came in and began firing furiously. Han told two of the troops to go to the gun pods. Then all of a sudden the turrets powered up and began firing. The Falcon destroyed most of the Ties but then two Imperial-Class Star Destroyers came out of hyperspace. "Oh no" said Han. We're in trouble then Han detected a tracker on their ship! "We're getting out of here!" Then Han jumped into Hyperspace and so did the Star Destroyers.

Chapter 4

Once the Falcon exited hyperspace the rebel fleet was ready. The Destroyers came out of hyperspace and Tie fighters spilled out of their hangers like water from a faucet. Then the fleets engaged. The Falcon made one final jump into hyperspace back to Courescant.RQT=V^_T[

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