Vegetative Propagation
                       What a great way of getting more plants for free and
                            having enough left over to give away. It also increases the health
                            of the plant.
                                      Dividing: When a plant dies out in the center (a very
                             noticeable brown or bald spot) or becomes to large or is
                            invading your other plants, it is time to divide it. Just get out
                            your handy trowel or in some cases your spade and (yes, this
                            next part is graphic so cover your eyes!) cut clumps of growth
                            from around the edges of lthe plant. You will not kill the plant.
                            If you divided it into fairly large clumps, you can use your
                            hands to divide them into smaller clumps. Re-plant and water
                            well as soon as possible. Some plants are so tough you may
                            need to use a sharp knife to cut through it. Pick a day when the
                            kids or significant others are driving you up the wall. You get
                            to get dirty and take out your frustrations at the same time!
                                     Layering: Layering is very easy to do. Even if you don't
                           have the plants you use the layering technique on, maybe
                           a friend or family member does and you can get a free plant
                           out of the deal. I use layering on any plant with a long, woody,
                           flexible stem. I have successfully propagated Obediant plants,
                           thyme, St. Johns' Wort and others by layering. Some other plants
                           you can do are: rosemary, sage, rue, lemon verbena, myrtle,
                           lavender, curry, hyssop and scented geraniums.
                                    During the summer, choose a stem near the base of the
                           plant that is flexible enough to bend to the ground. Strip off all
                           the leaves from the part that will touch the ground. Press the
                           stem down into the dirt laying it across the top of the soil and
                           secure with a hairpin or bent wire. I have even been desperate
                           and used a rock with success! Once the stem develops a good
                           strong root system you can cut it off from the mother plant.
                           Plant as usual.

                                    Cuttings:   Growing plants form cuttings is a faster
                           way to go, but is not without some risks. It is possible to
                           have rootings in only 2 weeks! Spring and late summer
                           are the best time to do cuttings. Choose a healthy, mature
                           stem that is not quite woody yet. The plant should not be
                           in bloom. Cut 3-4 inches down from the tip with a sharp
                           knife or pruners. Strip leaves off the bottom half and insert
                           the stem in rooting medium. Geraniums should be left to
                           callous over night. You can use a commercial mix or just
                           combine 3 parts perlite with 1 part peat. Water and cover
                           with a plastic bag. Use a popsicle stick to keep the bag off the
                           cuttings. The stems need bright light but don't place directly
                           in the sun. Mist daily. If any of the stems die, which happens
                           often, remove them. When you start to see new growth at the
                           top, that means you can jump up and down and yell "yahoo"!
                           Take off the plastic bag and leave the cuttings where they are
                           for a few days watering as needed. Then plant and pat your-
                           self on the back.