Welcome to my medical marijuana page. This is a page dedicated to informing all web surfers about the medical benefits of marijuana. Special thanks to Jack Herer for providing this information.

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Nausea relief
Arthritis, Herpes, C.F. and Rheumatism
Effects on Lungs
Sleep and Relaxation
Therapeutic Emphysema Potential
Stress and Migraines
Increased Appetite


More than 15 million Americans are affected by asthma. Smoking cannabis (what the AMA called the 'raw drug') would be beneficial for 80% of them and add 30 to 60 million person-years in the aggregate of extended life to current asthmatics over presently legal toxic medicines- including theophylline for children. Ingesting marijuana has been known to stop a full-blown asthma attack, and until 200 years ago, was used by asthmatics chronically until it was made illegal.


Glaucoma is a disease that causes blindness in victims over a long period of time. Smoking marijuana is two to three times as effective as any medicines currently available for treating glaucoma. Also, cannabis has no toxic side effects and there is absolutely no danger of occasional death by use, which has sometimes happened with legal pharmaceutical glaucoma drugs/drops.


A tumor is a mass of swollen tissue, and it can range from benign to malignant (cancerous). Cannabis has been proved to be extremely helpful in reducing both types of tumor. In fact, in 1975 the DEA ordered that a study of cannabis' effects on tumors be done, and rather than denounce the drug, the results showed a medical breakthrough in tumor treatment. The funding for cannabis/tumor research was immediately dropped.

Nausea Relief

In the case of marijuana, it relieves nausea in the form of all kinds of illnesses, including cancer therapy, sea sickness, and even AIDS. Studies done by Dr. Thomas Ungerleider concluded that cannabis was the 'best agent for control of nausea in cancer chemotherapy.' Also, marijuana is more effective than most pills because while pills can be thrown up, marijuana smoke stays in the body even after vomiting and so continues to relieve symptoms.


For 60% of all epileptics on the planet, marijuana is the best treatment. It also helps treat post-seizure mental traumas. In fact, Dilantin (the most commonly prescribed anti-epileptic, which happens to cause severe side effects) is not as effective as cannabis extract. Other conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, are relieved by marijuana smoking.


CBDs (cannabidiolic acids) are found in young, un-budded hemp plants. These acids are therapeutic in gonorrhea treatment, as well as being incapable of making you high (this appeals to prohibitionists complaints). Also, the cannabinoids can be used to treat practically any disease or infection.

Arthritis, Herpes, C.F. and Rheumatism

The extracts of cannabis have been used as ointments, poultices, and plasters for hundreds of years. In a variety of different ways, this extract treated arthritis and cistic fibrosis, and until 30 years ago, rheumatism was treated by placing hemp leaves heated with water or alcohol on the painful joints. This practice still continues today in some places. Also, a study done at the University of South Florida in 1990 found that direct contact with THC killed the herpes virus.

Effects on Lungs

Cannabis, above all other expectorants, is the best dilator of the lungs known to man. When marijuana smoke enters the body, it dilates the airways of the lungs, the bronchi, and even the bronchial tubes, and by doing so, opens them enough as to allow more oxygen into the lungs, and to filter out the smog, dust, and phlegm that accompanies tobacco use.

Sleep and Relaxation

People who smoke marijuana report a more restful sleep than those who do not, and this is because marijuana lowers blood pressure, dilates the arteries, and even reduces body pressure by approximately 1/2 degree, which relieves stress. Also, this method of going to sleep is much safer than the -zine sleeping pills, including Thorazine, Stelazine, and other drugs such as Valium and Librium, most of which are derived form dangerous plants like mandrake, henbane and belladonna.

Therapeutic Emphysema Potential

Cannabis smoke has been shown to improve the quality of life for millions of emphysema victims. Symptoms such as chest pains, extremity pains, shallowness of breath, and headaches, all which result from tobacco intake, are alleviated by cannabis smoking. In fact, according to Dr. Donald Tashkin, the U.S. government's leading scientist on on pulmonary research, it is not possible to get emphysema from cannabis smoking.

Stress and Migraines

More than any of the above effects, marijuana is the best cure for stress that exists. This is because of the feeling that comes with ingesting it, the 'high.' It can be described as a 'calm, mildly euphoric state in which time slows and a sensitivity to sights, sounds and touch is enhanced.' As for migraines (conditions where the artery spasm and the veins are over-relaxed), marijuana makes the vascular covering of the brain to tense up, which undoes the migraine feeling.

Increased Appetite

The most constant and obvious effect of using marijuana is the increased appetite. This is an obvious solution for people with anorexia, a condition that hundreds of thousands of Americans have. Many people have died because of anorexia, because they were denied cannabis! Also, victims of pancreatic cancer (eat or die) can extend their lifespans by using marijuana.
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