***Tay’s View*** At 11:40, I got out of bed & made sure Zac & Ike were still asleep. Check. So I started getting dressed. I walked over to the pile of clothes, but one of Zac’s Docs were in the way. I tripped over it & fell flat on my face. “Shit!” I whispered. I stood up & got dressed. I hurried out the door. I checked by everybody’s door to make sure they were asleep. Eventually, at 11:55, I got outside. ***Ike’s View*** I woke up in the middle of the night, hearing a loud thump. I looked over & sat Taylor sprawled on the floor. ‘Musta fell outta the bed, that dumbass’ I thought. Then, he stood up & started getting dressed. After he was a prettied up he crept out the door. ‘ Man, that boy gets weirder & weirder every day’ I thought. I waited a few minutes to see if he’d come back. He didn’t. ‘I wanna know why he’s sneakin out’ I thought. I took the alarm & checked when Taylor had set the alarm. 7:15. I changed it to 1:30. I wanted to be awake when he came back. I turned the volume almost all the way down & put the alarm by my head & went back to asleep. ***Tay’s View*** I walked down to Sam’s house. I remembered how she’d told me & Jason how to watch for & avoid motion lights. First, check the whole front of the house to see if there’s a light there. If there isn’t, it’s probably safe. If there is, walk in the middle of the street. I decided to take the easy way out & walk in the middle of the street anyway. After a few minutes, I was there. I sat down on the side porch & waited. Suddenly, arms wrapped around my waist. I jumped. “Hello Taylor,” someone whispered. It sent shivers up my spine. I spun around & found Sam grinning behind me. She covered her mouth & fell back on the porch trying not to laugh. She was lying on her back, knees held up to her chest. She was rocking back & forth, shaking. “You should’ve seen your face!” she gasped out. “You- and- thought- ooohhhh” she hissed. She had her eyes closed, so I took the opportunity. I slowly crept toward her. I carefully untied her shoe. I slipped it off & ran away. “What? Huh-you-TAYLOR!” she hissed, jumping up & hobbling after me. I jumped into a bush & crouched down. “Taylor, I’m not going into that bush after you. Give me my shoe back right now. Don’t make me hurt you,” she threatened. I stayed silent. Suddenly, the branches parted above me. Sam’s face appeared. “Gimme my shoe,” she commanded. I reached up & threw her shoe into the street. “Damn you,” she hissed, hopping after it. I crawled out of the bush & watched her. She sat down in the middle of the street & put her shoe back on. She jumped up & looked around. She waved at me & started doing cartwheels & flips. I ran to catch up with her. Finally, she stopped. “What was that all about?” I asked. “I dunno, guess I’m kinda impulsive, think so?” she asked. “You’re worse that Zac,” I said. She playfully shoved me to the side of the street. I bounced off & ran into her. She yanked my braid again. “God, would you stop doing that?” I asked. “No. It’s just so pretty,” she said. “Unlike you,” she said with a grin. “You don’t have room to talk,” I said. She put her face in her hands & started to fake cry. “It’s OK,” I said, patting her on the back. She took my sleeve & acted like she was going to blow her nose on it. I yanked it away. “Not that OK,” I said. We got to Jason’s house. Him & Mat were waiting outside. Sam waved wildly. They waved back unsurely. Sam danced over to them. “Have you been taking lessons from Zac?” Jason asked. “Nope. He took lessons from me,” she replied. “Well, where ya wanna go tonight?” I asked. “How bout the treehouse?” Mat asked. “Yeah, let’s go over there again!” Sam said. “OK. Race ya!” Jason said, shooting off. We all chased after him. At about 12:30, we were all lounged out in the treehouse. Mat & Sam were drawing some crazy made-up animal, Jason was carving a candle & I was reading a new book. It was called “The Claw”. It was Zac’s, so it was only about a hundred pages, but it was kinda interesting. After about 20 minutes, Sam spoke up. “Let’s play a card game,” she said. “OK. What ya wanna play?” I asked, pouting down my book. “Uh, I dunno. You know how to play poker?” she asked. “Yeah. But what do we bet?” Jason asked. “Here,” Sam said, ripping a piece of paper into small pieces. “Paper is ones. Leaves are fives, twigs are tens. That OK?” she asked. “Yeah, let’s play,” Mat said, opening the bag & getting out the card deck. “OK, deal.”
***Sam’s View*** After we played poker for about an hour, everyone got bored. The leaves & paper kept getting lost & everyone was losing patience. “Guys?” Jason asked. “Let’s do something else. Like, go somewhere.” I was about to say ‘How bout the pond?’, but Taylor interrupted me. “It’s about 1:30. I should probably go in. We hafta record & stuff tomorrow. Sorry, but you know how it is.” “Yeah, we better go too. I hafta be home by 8 so..” Mat trailed off. “Yeah,” I said. “Here Sam, I’ll walk ya home,” Taylor said, standing up & offering me his hand. I took it & pulled myself up. I wiped the dirt off me & got out of the treehouse. Mat jumped out after me, then Jason, then Taylor. “Bye!” Jason said, walking with Mat back toward his house. “See ya!” Mat said. “Catch ya later!” I said. Taylor nodded. “Bye,” he said. We walked back to my house. “Know what?” Taylor asked me. “What is it?” I asked. “When did you move in?” he asked. “Um, hum. Let’s see. I think about 2 weeks ago, why?” “So we haven’t known eachother for 2 weeks yet, right?” “Not even a week. What for?” I asked. “OK, I know I’m gonna sound really weird & like a complete idiot but, I feel really close to you. Like, I could tell you anything,” he said. “Me too,” I said. “I mean, I don’t make friends that easily. Usually, I just keep to myself & don’t talk to anyone. So they don’t talk to me. So I was kinda glad when we moved here, but I thought I wouldn’t be friends with anybody cause I wouldn’t know them. But now, I dunno...” I trailed off. “I’m just glad you’re not one of those stuck up girls who thinks she belongs in Hollywood & is way too good for everyone,” he said. I turned to face him. He did the same. We smiled at eachother & turned back around. ***Tay’s View*** We got to Sam’s house. “See ya tomorrow,” I said. “Yeah. Bye!” she said, cautiously opening the door. I turned toward my house. “Oh, one more thing,” she said, turning back around & facing me. “If you call me tomorrow morning before 8:30, I will royally kick the beejesus outta you. Hear me?” she asked. “Yep,” I said with a grin. She shook her head. “This is too good to be true. You say you won’t call,” she mumbled. I nodded, holding up my hands so she could see my fingers weren’t crossed. “Promise,” I said. “OK,” she said. She tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. “Do you think someone woke up & locked it?” I asked. “No. Troy & Kay know I sneak out everynight & my parents aren’t home. I told you. We always leave this door unlocked. It just, gets, stuck sometimes!” she said, shoving against the door. Finally, it gave in & she almost fell inside. “Bye!” she said, going inside. “Bye!” I said, walking home. As soon as I got into the room, Isaac sat up from his bed. I ignored him & quickly changed. I got into bed & tried to convince Isaac that I was dead tired. “Taylor, what’s up with you lately? I heard you messing around last night & you sneak out tonight. Is it Sam?” he asked. “Depends on what you mean,” I said. “Well, are you two like, going out or something? Or is she like, a drug dealer or something?” he asked. “For God sakes Ike, no! We are NOT going out, and she’s not a druggie. If you must know, me, her, Jason & Mat snuck out tonight to just hang out. Me, Sam & Jason snuck out last night. Why’s it such a big deal?” I asked. “Well, it’s not that. You’ve just been acting differently. Like, always gone. And you’re a lot, happier I guess. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just different. For a while you were so secluded. Quiet. And now....” he trailed off. “I guess I just needed a change of atmosphere. Everything was so, regular. Even playing was losing its flare. I mean sure, it’s exciting & all, but, oh, nevermind. Just meeting Sam & now we’re recording another album that some company might like, guess it just lifted my spirits,” I said. Isaac leaned over the bed so he was upside down. “I just don’t get you,” he said & went back to his bed. “Oh yeah, you might wanna reset your alarm,” he said. I checked it. It was set at 1:30 and very quietly. I sighed & set it back. “Taylor?” Ike asked from above me. “Huh?” “Go to sleep,” he grunted. I kicked the bottom of his bed. He grunted again. I turned over & went to sleep.
***Sam’s View*** When I woke up, I had the weirdest feeling. I hadn’t woken up to the phone ringing, so I took that as an omen. I closed my eyes & rolled over. The bed seemed crooked. I opened my eyes, but immediately shut them because the light streaming through my windows was blinding me. I shielded my eyes & looked up, only to be staring into deep blue eyes. “Omigod Taylor get out of my room NOW!” I screamed, ducking under my covers. Nothing moved. I pulled my covers down just below my eyes. He was just sitting there, grinning. I pulled them back over my head. “Leave!” I yelled. “Nope,” he said. “Hey, what’s this?” he asked. I pulled my covers back down to my eyes. I couldn’t make out what he was holding. “I would tell you if I could see it,” I said. He shoved the bottle in my face. I grabbed it from him & inspected it. “My contact crap. You can leave now so I can get ready to kick your ass,” I said, putting the bottle back on the desk. “Nope,” he said again. I kicked him. “Get outta my room!” I yelled. “Hold on,” he said. I could hear him fiddling around with the things on my desk. Suddenly, music was blaring. “Dammit Taylor, did I tell you you could turn on my CD’s?!?!” I screamed over the music. He turned it down. I paused for a second. “TLC, right?” I asked. Before he could answer, I was rapping along. “Yo T-Boz, is ya being a boss, Chilli wuz up wit dat sauce, dis is it, yo T, step on dat shhhhh...” “Cool. You’re pretty good,” Taylor interrupted. “Well, I kinda memorized it. TLC is soo cool,” I said. “Now will you please get out of my room!” I said, losing my patience. “Yeah, TLC is cool. But I never heard this album. I have ‘CrazySexyCool’. I didn’t know they released this one,” he said, ignoring my previous comment. “Yes, they released this album, now get out!!” I yelled, kicking him again. “Know what? Ya know how I told you I wasn’t listening yesterday when we saw those people I said we were recording the album with? Well, since I wasn’t paying attention, I didn’t hear them say that they aren’t helping record the album. We’re just borrowing some of their instruments. We’re recording most of it in the garage!” he said. “That means we don’t have to go anywhere! Isn’t that great?” he asked. “IT IS IF YOU GET OUT!!!!” I screamed, shoving him off my bed. “Gee, no need to get grumpy,” he grumbled. “Err!” I yelled & threw a magazine from my desk at him. He took it & sat down in my chair & started reading it. “Can you just go home? You’re really starting to piss me off,” I said. “No. I came over here to wake you up & now you gave me some music to listen to & something to read, so I guess I’m just fine here,” he said. “Taylor, I’ll let you keep that dumb 17 & borrow this CD if you just get out!” I said. “Umm, sure OK,” he said, getting up. I took out the CD & put it in its case & gave it to him. “Bye!” I said, shoving him toward the door. “OK,” he said. As soon as I could hear him upstairs, I got out of bed. I looked at my clock. 7:45. I groaned & put in my contacts. I grabbed some clothes, a brush & some makeup & went upstairs to take a shower. When I got to the living room, I saw Taylor relaxing in the recliner. “Didn’t I tell you to go home?” I asked him. He looked up from the magazine. “Ya know, you should wear green eyeshadow when you have purple contacts. It’d look really good,” he said. “I knew I shouldn’t let you read that,” I said, taking the magazine. “Hey! I was reading an article about Leonardo DiCaprio! It was kind of interesting!” he protested. “I’m glad I stopped you now. You’re starting to sound like a girl,” I said. “God, I was just kidding! You think I was actually reading that!” he asked. I rolled up the magazine & hit him in the head. “You better get back before my parents get home,” I said. “Oh yeah. They’ll be mad, right?” he asked. “No, they’re happy when they come home at 8 in the morning & I have some guy in the living room while I’m in the shower & he’s reading 17!” I said. “I wasn’t reading it!” he said, but got up & went toward the door. “Hey, I’ll call when they leave,” I said. “K. Bye!” he said & left. Kay came into the living room. “Why was he here?” she asked. “Cuz he’s retarded. I’m gonna go take a shower. Mom & Dad’ll be back pretty soon, better get ready. Wake up Troy too,” I said & went into the bathroom & locked the door. I checked the bruise on my thigh. It was turning yellow now, a good sign. But the bruise on my upper right arm was still there. ‘Thank God for makeup’ I thought. Forty-five minutes later I was out of the bathroom. I went in & checked in Troy & Kay’s rooms. Troy was just getting out of bed. “Hey, Mom & Dad’re gonna be home pretty soon. Better hurry & get dressed,” I said. “Crap! he mumbled & closed the door to get dressed. I checked on Kay. She was already dressed & was cleaning up her room a little. “Hey, let’s work on the rest of the house before they get home. They never even look in our rooms anyway,” I said. “OK, sure,” she said. We decided the only thing we needed to do was some dishes, so we quickly rinsed them & put them in the dishwasher. By then Troy was up. With him we walked around the house & made sure everything was perfect. We closed our bedroom doors & sat down in the living room, waiting. We’d decided to all be reading when they got home. For ten minutes, we all just sat & read. Finally, I heard the car drive up in the driveway. We all exchanged nervous looks & went back to our books. The front door opened & my mother came through. She went to the kitchen & grabbed a beer. She came back out & started the usual process. “Get everything done?” she asked. “Yes ma’am” we replied. “Good. Your father’s in the car so I’ll have to leave now. We’ll be home tomorrow, about the same time. You kids be good,” she said, walking through the front door. “We will,” we said. We sat there, still reading until I saw through the front window the car drive down the street & turn. I put my book down & so did they. We all breathed a sigh of relief. “That was short,” Troy said. “Yeah, but that’s good. Especially since Dad stayed in the car,” I said. I picked up the phone & dialed the Hanson’s number. “Hello, Hanson residence,” Isaac said. “No, this isn’t Hanson residence. This is Sam,” I said. “Haha, funny,” Isaac said. “Hey, I’ll be over pretty soon, OK?” I said. “K , see ya soon,” he said. “Bye.” “Bye.” I put on my sandals & strolled down the street. I was glad my mother didn’t ask if we were going anywhere today. She didn’t have a problem with the Hansons, she just didn’t like me being out everyday. Neither did my father. When I got to the Hanson’s, I saw Zac, Jessie & Mackie in the front yard running around. When Zac saw me, he ran toward me like a chicken with it head cut off. Jessie & Mackie followed his example. As I continued toward the house, the three ran in circles around me, making strange noises. Avie was sitting on the porch, reading a book. “Leave her alone, you weirdos,” she said. Zac glared at her & ran off, Jessie & Mackie followed. “Thanks Avie,” I said. “Taylor told me to make sure they didn’t drive you crazy. Will you give my a ride inside?” she asked. “Did Taylor tell you to ask me that too?” I asked. “Yep!” she said with a grin. “OK, up we go!” I said, lifting her up & on my back. She put her arms around my neck & I brought her inside. “Taylor told me to tell you to bring me into the garage,” she said. “Did he tell you tell me that he told you to tell me that?” I asked. “Oops!” she said. “It’s OK, I won’t tell,” I said. So I brought her into the garage. Taylor & Isaac were practicing & Walker was talking to some people. “Hi!” Isaac said, looking up & waving to me. Taylor looked up & waved too. I let Avie down. He winked at her. She ran over to Walker while I went over to talk to Isaac & Taylor. “Hey. Don’t you guys need Zac?” I asked, looking at the empty space behind the drumset. “Yeah, but he needed a break before we started,” Ike said. “Are those the people who are letting you use their instruments?” I asked. Taylor looked over at them. They were still talking to Walker. “Yeah. We didn’t have the right stuff, so they’re letting us use some of theirs. I guess Dad’s friends with ‘em or something,” Taylor said. Suddenly, Isaac got a weird look on his face, but quickly wiped it off. Then, something was on my back. “Zac, get off my back. You’re gonna knock me over!” I said, trying to pry his hands off my shoulder. He let go & ran behind the drumset. He grabbed his drumsticks & started twirling them. “Take baton lessons?” I asked him. He stick his tongue out & kept twirling. “He thinks he’s gonna be the great Zac-dino someday,” Taylor said. Zac walked by Taylor, hitting him with his sticks like he was a drum. “Zac, stop buttmunch! That’s why you have a drumset!” Taylor exclaimed. Zac stopped & walked behind me. He started hitting me with his drumsticks. “Zac, stop!” I protested. Then he whacked my arm. “Owww!” I howled, holding my right arm. “I wasn’t hitting her that hard!” Zac told Taylor, who was about to get his hands around his neck. “No, he didn’t hit me hard. I just hurt my arm this morning & it’s still kinda sore,” I lied. “Here, lemme see,” Ike said. I rolled up my sleeve. I glanced at it & saw that the 10 minutes I’d spent putting concealer on it had paid off. “Doesn’t look too bad,” Taylor said. “Nope,” I agreed. I pulled my sleeve down, being careful not to scrape off any of the concealer. Walker came over to us. “You guys ready to start?” Walker asked. “Ready as we’ll ever be!” Ike said, playing a few chords. “Let’s party dude!” Zac shrieked, jumping behind the drums & spinning around. “OK. Taylor, we’ll use the bongos in a few days, not today. They’re in the shop,” Walker told Taylor. “Fine with me. Let’s go already!!” “Kick it Tay,” Isaac said. Taylor started playing & Isaac & Zac soon joined in.