Chapter 4

	We walked just talking about music for about ten minutes,
 then we showed up at a big house. Zac was standing outside yelling
"Come on slowpokes! I took a nap while I was waiting for you to get
here!!" "I thought we were going to your school? Now we're at-"
"We're home schooled." Tay cut in. As soon as we got in the door, I
could see a woman, probably in her mid thirties, walking toward us. 
	"Where were you!" she exclaimed. "You were supposed to
 be home an hour ago!" Ike looked at his watch & smacked himself in
 the head. "Sorry! We were just showing Sam around. She just
 moved in last week. In that house down the street." She smiled at
 me. "So, you're Sam! What a surprise! Your parents showed up
 about a half an hour ago. Avie told us she saw the boys out with a
 girl she but she didn't know, so I figured they were holding you
 hostage somewhere." I looked behind her & I saw Tay rolling his
 eyes. "Well," she continued, "we better go show them you're alive &
 well." So I followed her into the enormous living room. Zac snuck up
 behind me & whispered "After they're done with the torture, we'll
 show the rest of the house," and ran upstairs chasing a little boy,
 who I guess was just a little over a year old. When I looked back, I
 saw Ike & Tay introducing themselves to my parents. They saw me &
 turned into police. "Where were you? You were gone for hours & we
 didn't know where you went!" Ike & Tay were obviously
 embarrassed, because Ike just plopped down in the armchair &
 looked out the window & Tay's face turned red. 
	"I was out exploring town. You can't expect me to stay
 cooped up all day long. But I'm sorry I left without telling you."
 "Good" my mother said & she smiled at Mrs. Hanson. I looked at Tay
 & crossed my eyes. His face got even redder from trying not to laugh.
 "Well, let's go home now" & my father started for the door. "Is it OK if
 I stay here awhile? I don't have any other plans." My mother got this
 LOOK on her face & said "No, we have to go back & unpack.” Then,
surprisingly, Tay spoke up. "Please? We'll all come over tomorrow &
make up for tonight!" My father looked at his watch & sighed. "An
hour, K?" Yes! OK!" I said "C'mon! We'll show ya the house!"
exclaimed Ike & ran upstairs. Tay & I ran after him, nearly crashing
into two younger girls, who seemed to come out of nowhere. "Don't
forget!" my mother yelled up the stairs. As soon as we got to the top,
Ike & Tay looked at me & I mimicked "don't forget!" in my highest
parent voice. We all started laughing until our we were crying. 

Chapter 5

	Just when we were about to look at the rest of the house,
 Zac jumped out of nowhere holding the little boy he was chasing
 before yelling "Hail the Almighty Mac-ster! He could eat you all in one
 bite, so respect him, or pay with your lives!" Ike & Tay looked at
eachother & jumped up. Ike grabbed the "Mac-ster" and Tay tackled
Zac to the ground. "Not if we get him first!" Ike laughed. Tay was
struggling to hold Zac down, so I helped. Tay kept his legs down
while I secured his arms. "Now it's time to flush the trespasser down
the toilet!" I screamed. "Nooooooo!!!" Zac screamed, almost bursting
my eardrums. Ike put "Mac-ster" down & helped us lift Zac up. Tay
led us down the long hallway to a huge bathroom. We held Zac up
over the toilet, head down, and Ike flushed the toilet. "This is your
sentence. You will live with the potty-monsters for the rest of your
life. Do you have any last words?" Tay said, trying to sound just like
a judge, but he was laughing too hard. "PUT ME DOWN!!!!!" Zac
screamed for dear life. Just then, the two little girls burst in yelling
"MY EARS HURT!! PUT HIM DOWN!!!!" Ike just kinda grinned &
Tay's face turned a little red. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he
was gone. 
	I walked up to the two girls & said "I don't believe we've
 been introduced. I'm Sam." The older one held out her hand and
 said "Hi! I'm Jessica. This is Avery and Mackie, who THEY left by
 the stairs by himself!" Tay muttered "oops" and Ike brushed by me &
 picked up Mackie. "C'mon," Ike said, "now we'll show ya tha

Chapter 6

	About an hour later, Ike, Tay, Zac, Jess, Avie, Mac & I
 were sitting in Ike, Tay & Zac's bedroom. Zac & Jess were playing
 some fighting game on the Super NES, Ike was playing peek-a-boo
 with Mackie, I was braiding Avie's hair, and Tay was drawing.
Apparently, he had a half-full sketchbook, filled with original
drawings. They were Arnold Schwartzenegger (sp!) -type guys with
lazer guns beating the crap out of eachother.  "What are those?" I
asked him. "Oh, um, Musclemen. Me & Zac made 'em up." "What
about me?" Zac asked. "Nothing"  Tay replied. 
	“So, how old is everybody?" I asked them. Ike mumbled
between sessions of peek-a-boo, "I'm 15, Tay's 13, Zac's 10," "What
about me?!" Zac asked. "Nothing." Tay said again. "Jessie's 7,
 Avie's 5, and Mac, tell Sam how old you are." Ike told Mackie. He
 held up two fingers, grinned, & smacked Ike in the face & said
 "Peet-a-poo pace!" (interpretation- 'peek-a-boo face') and hobbled
 out. Avie jumped up & ran after him. "What time is it?" I asked Ike.
 "Um, uh oh. It's a quarter past 11." "WHAT!?!" I screamed &
 ran out the door yelling back "I'M LATE!!" I got to the bottom
 of the stairs & started puzzling over how to get out. "To the right" I
 heard Tay yell from the top of the stairs, chasing after me. I got
 outside & started searching their front yard. "Whatcha lookin for?" I
 heard Tay gasp. 
	"Got any rocks?" I asked. "Yeah, here" he said as he
 showed me a flower bed & threw me a rock. I sat down on the
 sidewalk & started rolling up my jeans. "What are you DOING?" Tay
 asked. "Making an excuse. I tripped & scratched my knee, K?" I
 asked him. "OK" he said, right as I slashed my leg with the rock.
 "SHIT!" I screamed. "Are you OK?" he asked, kneeling over
 me. "Yeah, I'm experienced." "Ow, what's that?" he said, pointing at
 a bump on my shin. "Oh, I was in a BAD car accident a few months
 ago. It bruised the bone." I said, just as Ike & Zac came bounding
	"What happened?" Zac said as he came up behind me.
 "She tripped." Tay said, covering for me. "C'mon, let's help her

		***Ike's View***
	As I came outside, I saw Sam sitting on the ground with
 Tay kneeling over her. When Tay answered Zac, they both started
looking awfully suspicious. I looked at Tay & he gave me a look like
'just play along I'll tell you later and if you mess this up I'll KILL
you!'. I raised my eyebrows, but played along. 
	"Ouch! Here, let me help you up." I said, extending my
 hand. She took it & grabbed Tay's with her other hand. He got her up
 & she put an arm over both of our shoulders & struggled down the
 street. Zac guided the way to her house, while explaining who lived
 in what house & how weird they were. About 10 mins later, we were
 in front of her house. 
	"Wow, we don't live very far away from eachother, huh?"
 She said, looking back down the street." "Nope," Tay replied,
 helping her to her porch. "Sorry you're so late," I said. "You can tell
 your mom it's our fault & we'll pay her back somehow." "Oh, OK" she
 mumbled. "Hey, I'll call ya sometime. What's your number?" she
 asked, all the life seeming to come back to her. Tay got this really
 devilish smile, the kind he only gets when he knows a secret that no
 one else does, and said "No, we'll call you. OK?" Zac looked at Tay
 & started explaining "But Tay, we don't-" but Sam cut him off. "Uh,
 OK, I guess. I better go. Bye!" she said, sliding through the front
 door. "BYE!" we said in unison.

Chapter 7

		***Zac's View*** 
	After Sam closed the door, me & Ike looked at Tay. Ike said
"Tay, what are you thinking? We don't have her number, how can
 we call her?!" "Yeah, smooth move dumbass" I mumbled and
 walked back home. I could hear them arguing behind me.
 	"Look, I know what I'm doing, so get off my back." "I'm not
 on your back, I'm just saying she's gonna be real mad when you
 don't call her cuz you're too stupid to even THINK to ask her
 number!" "Shut up I'm not stupid!" "Whatever" Ike ended it and
 crossed the street to get away from him. I slowed down so I could
 talk to him. "Taylor, how do you think you'll be able to call her. You
 didn't get her number and she just moved here so it's not listed."
 "Don't worry about it Zaccy, I'll call her tomorrow" I punched him in
 the arm & said "I thought I told you not to call me that dumb name."
 He pushed me up ahead of him & said "Shut up & keep walking" and
 kinda laughed. 
		***Sam's View*** 
     As soon as I got in the door, I ran up to my room & put Boomerang
into my stereo & danced around. 'That was so cool. I can't wait till
tomorrow. As soon as they call, we'll hang out all day.' Then I
stopped & pounded on my head. "They don't know my number!" So I
ran upstairs & said "Mom, can I got give them my number? They said
they'll call tomorrow & I didn't give them my number!" "No," I heard
her say from the living room. "You were late getting home" "But
mom, I scratched up my leg. It's not my fault!" "Too bad. Deal with
it." "Augh!" I yelled & ran back downstairs.
	 I curled up on my bed & fell asleep listening to Don't Accuse.