Chapter 102- "Tipsy."

		***Sam’s View***
	Ashley & I talked for about an hour. We got things all pretty much
figured out, no hard feelings. He confirmed the story Taylor told me, & said
that he was sorry that I got involved in all of it. I told him that it wasn’t really
his fault, that it wasn’t anyone’s fault. I wanted to tell him that if it was, it
was Melly’s fault, but I didn’t want to get into that topic. 
	Taylor & I walked back to my house, since he didn’t want to go home
yet. He said that Jessie had some friends over & anyone who came home
before they left would become victims of their makeover salon. Of course,
since their Barbie makeup wasn’t good enough or anything, they ‘borrowed’
their mothers’, but their mothers didn’t know that. Why did they need to
know if the girls were just going to return it soon anyway?
	Friday passed nearly the same way, & before I had time to enjoy the
weekend, it was Monday again. We played a volleyball game against the
other middle school & beat them miserably. I talked to Ashley some more, &
he gave me little tidbits of information about the kids in my band class. Most
of the people he told me about I barely knew, but I would soon, & then I
would have a little blackmail against them. Not that I would ever do anything
as mean as that, but just in case of an emergency, those little bits of
information were nice to know. 
	Monday after class at the Hanson’s, Diana came to us with news. “I
just went out to get the mail,” she informed us. “What, did it have more of
that Avon order stuff in it?” Isaac asked. “Mom! Last time, you spent like
eighty bucks on that crap!” Zac exclaimed. “No, it’s not order forms, or at
least not to my knowledge. Last I heard, record companies don’t send out
order forms.” We all looked at eachother in silence for a few moments.
Taylor was the first to recover. 
	“Give it to me!” he exclaimed, jumping up. Mrs. Hanson reluctantly
handed the letter over. Ike, Zac, & I leapt up & gathered around Taylor.
“Wait, don’t open it yet! Let’s get everybody else,” Isaac said, running
upstairs. Seconds later, the rest of the Hanson clan was in the TV room,
including Walker with Mac, who was only half dressed. “Open it, Tay-tay!”
Jessie encouraged him. Anxiously, Taylor ripped the envelope open.
“Careful, you might rip the letter!” Ike exclaimed. Taylor mumbled something
under his breath while pulling the letter out. He unfolded the paper, with
everyone reading over his shoulder. 
	“Dear Hanson Brothers, we regret to inform you- oh damn!” Taylor
exclaimed, shoving the letter away from himself. “Jordan! Watch your
language!” Diana exclaimed. “Sorry Mom,” Taylor grumbled. “Well, this is
just great. How many is that Ike?” Zac asked him, plopping down on the
couch. “I think that’s twelve, right Tay?” “An even dozen,” Taylor sighed. 
“But remember, boys, Babe Ruth hit a lot of home runs, but he-” “Also struck
out hundreds of times, we heard it already Dad,” Taylor sighed. “Don’t get an
attitude with me, young man,” Walker scolded him. “Well what do you
expect me to do? Hop around with joy, ‘yay, that’s the twelfth rejection
we’ve had’?! Sorry Dad, I just can’t be as happy that we’re complete failures
as you are,” Taylor nearly yelled. I wanted to say something, but I knew it
was just better to keep my mouth shut, it might make things worse. “No,
Taylor-” “Leave me alone!” he interrupted his father, then ran up the stairs. 
	“I, uh, better go up there,” I said after a few tense seconds, then
followed where Taylor had gone. No one protested, no one so much as made
a sound. When I got to their room, I lightly knocked on the door. “Whoever it
is, go away, I’m finding something better to do with my life,” he replied.
“Taylor? Can I come in?” I asked. “Sam? Well,” he hesitated. “Only if you
swear not to give me one of those annoying pep talks,” he insisted. “I swear.”
A moment later, the door swung open. I stepped in & he quickly shut the door
behind me. “Don’t want anyone else thinkin they can just walk in here,” he
said, then locked the door. 
	“Wanna listen to some music?” he asked after a few moments of
awkward silence. “Sure, whatcha got there?” I asked. “Def Leppard,” he
answered. “Sure, put it on ‘Love Bites’, will ya?” I asked, seeing what he
was holding. “Hey, one of my faves, too!” he exclaimed, putting the CD in &
putting it on the song. 
	We listened to ‘Love Bites’ about two times before I began a
conversation. “Look, I know you probably don’t want to talk about this-”
“You’re right, I don’t,” he interrupted. “But it looks like I don’t have a
choice, do I?” He sighed. “I know, there still are a lot of companies out there,
but each time we get a rejection, it just feels like things get more & more
hopeless. I mean, yeah, I like playing and all, it’s just that I’ve almost formed
my life around this, and for what? Nothing. Or at least that’s what it seems
like right now.” A few moments of silence passed before I spoke. “Taylor, I
know things are rough right now, & if you feel like you want to give up or
something, I’m sure you can go talk to Ike & Zac about it-” “No, I don’t want
to give up, it’s just so difficult. I don’t know, it just feels like all this work has
been for nothing so far-” “So far, and it hasn’t been for nothing. According to
everyone I’ve talked to, you guys have made quite a name for yourselves
around here. And places around here, for that matter. So it isn’t all for
nothing. Of course you want to get signed, but you can’t expect it to just pop
out of nowhere.” He nodded. 
	We talked for about another fifteen minutes before I had to leave for
band. When we got downstairs, things were going a little slower than usual,
but Taylor had warned me that it had been expected. Diana offered to drive
me to the middle school, but Taylor & I told her that we’d walk to save her
the trouble. Since there was still more than a half hour to go before I had to
be there, we could take our time. It was still kind of hot out, but not too bad. 
	I got to class a little early, just as the bell rang to dismiss students from
their prior class. Taylor looked at the music that we had been given so far,
and hummed the tune lightly to himself. “You’d better get out of here, class is
gonna start pretty soon, and Fillmore’s a stickler for rules,” I warned him.
“But I thought Westerman was your teacher.” “She’s the sevie teacher.
Fillmore’s the eighth, & there’s a high school band contest today, so Sierra
said that he’s gonna have like no patience.” “Contest already?” “Hey, don’t
ask me. Since they’re better & all, I guess they can be ready a lot quicker. Go
on, go! I don’t need my band teacher getting pissed at me,” I nagged him.
“Fine, fine, I’m going! Meet you at your house, K?” “Whatever, sure. Now
go!” He grinned. “Fine, bye.”
	“Hey, what’s up?” Sierra asked a few seconds later as she sat down
next to me. “The sky?” “No, the ceiling. Wasn’t that Taylor Hanson that just
walked out of here?” “Last I knew, why?” I asked her. “Oh, I just know
somebody who likes him. I mean, really likes him. As in slight obsession.”
“Oh really? And you can’t spill the beans, am I right?” Sierra nodded just as
the bell rang. 
	Class was rushed as usual. Some guy, Ashley had told me he was
George & he was two years older than everyone else in the class, was
apparently tired. Several times throughout class, he yelled to random people,
“I haven’t slept in three days!” He was acting like it, too. He kept dropping
his trumpet & would just sit there for a few seconds before picking it up. 
	I got home & put my horn downstairs just as the doorbell rang. I ran
upstairs & found Taylor lounged out on the couch. “Don’t hesitate to make
yourself at home,” I sighed, plopping down in the chair. “Um, I don’t think
you want me laying around in my boxers snarfing nachos, do you?” he asked,
giving me a dumb look. “Hell no! Keep your damn clothes on, wait for Emily
to get over here. No, wait, she’s busy trying to figure out how to tie her
sandals, nevermind,” I joked. He glared at me. “I’m just kidding! Really!” I
defended myself. He softened his look, but only a little. 
	“Speaking of Emily, have you seen her lately?” he asked me. “No, I
haven’t. What, haven’t you?” He shook his head. “Why don’t you call her or
something?” “I have before. Either she makes up some excuse about having
to go, or we sit there in silence until she starts asking about Ike. I just don’t
get it!” “I do. I mean, you’re just so like regular, & Ike’s just so.... so
dreamy!” I exclaimed, trying my best to keep a straight face. “Sam?” I looked
at him. “Say something.” I shook my head. “OK, stop holding your breath
now, you can let out your laughter.” I took a deep breath, then said, “I’m not
holding back any laughter,” in a squeezed voice. “Sure you aren’t.” He
waited a few seconds, then continued. “So, since Ike’s just so dreamy...
what’s so dreamy about him?” I clenched my lips together & practically had
to scrunch my face up. “C’mon Sam, why don’t you tell me what makes my
eldest brother so extraordinarilly dreamy?” I bit my lip. “Spill the beans,
Sam!” I shook my head rigorously. “Don’t make me go to extreme
measures!” I bit my lip harder, but could feel s smile breaking through. “OK,
you asked for it!”
	Taylor jumped off the couch toward me. I let out a small squeak of
surprise. “Do you want to tell me yet?” I shook my head “Fine, but don’t tell
me I didn’t warn you!” Then, he stuck his arms out toward me, grabbing a
hold of my waist. I sqeaked again, then tried to wiggle back further in the
chair. He laughed & got a firmer grip, then started tickling me. “No!
Noooo!!!” I screamed, then tried to jump onto the back of the chair. I pushed
myself up to sit on the back of the chair, & Taylor stepped onto the seat of
the chair, then started tickling me again. I leaned back until I was almost
falling off the back of the chair, & he kept moving with me. Then, out of
nowhere, I felt the chair start moving. “What the-” I yelled before hitting my
back on the ground. 
	The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was that I couldn’t sit
up. Taylor had fallen on top of me, & immediately pulled himself up.
“Wha-are you OK?” he asked, struggling to move off the chair so that we
weren’t in such an awkward position. He sat down next to the fallen chair,
where I was still laying. “I, I guess. I just, ow, I think I hit my rib on the
corner of the wall,” I said, trying to sit up. I cried out from the sudden jolt of
pain that came from my side, then fell backwards onto the chair again. “Is it
bad?” he asked. “I, I think I can manage. Could I get some help up, though?”
“Sure,” he said. 
	Taylor pulled himself up, then took my hand & pulled me up. I bit the
side of my cheek to keep from crying out again, & Taylor looked at me with
concern. “I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t mean for the chair to tip over or
anything-” “Taylor?” He looked at me. “It’s fine, OK? It’s OK.” He nodded. 

Chapter 103- "The News"

		***Tay’s View***
	The next week went a little better since we were on good terms with
Ashley. Sam still had things against Melly, & I didn’t expect that to change
anytime soon. Everyone had nearly recovered from the last letter we’d gotten
when we got yet another. 
	“I know you boys might not be too excited over this one, but you have
a letter from, uh, Mercury Records,” Mom read from the envelope. The
tension in the room was thick enough to cut through. Dad was right behind
her. “Boys, this was the company that was interested in MMMBop. They
were the first ones we sent a copy to, remember?” I looked up at him, then
back at the TV. “If no one else is going to, then I’ll read it,” Ike said,
standing up. He took the letter from Mom, then quickly opened it. I couldn’t
help but keep my attention on his expression. He unfolded the paper, then
scanned it. His eyes opened wide, then he looked up at us. “They, they said
they’ll sign us,” he said softly. 
	Everyone jumped up & stood around him. “They said they liked the
albums & they want us to go to make an album under their label,” Ike went
on. “Where?” “Uh, California, it looks like.” He looked up at us. “An album!
In California!” he gasped. Dad took the letter from him & read it. “No way,
this has to be some kind of joke. You’re telling me that they want to sign us,
then we make a record with them in California?!” I exclaimed. “Apparently.
There’s a number here at the bottom, they want me to call so we can smooth
things out. I’ll just-” “What are you waiting for? Call them now!” Zac told
him. “Well we don’t want to seem desperate or anything-” “But we are!
We’ve had so many rejections, let’s not let this one get away,” I reminded
him. “Oh, all right then...” “Get in there & call!” Ike kidded, giving Dad a
slight push. He looked back at everybody. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” Dad
asked. We all nodded. “OK, but let me have this conversation in silence, all
right?” We all agreed. 
		***Sam’s View***
	I didn’t want to have to go to class, but when I knew that my parents
would be furious if I just skipped out. Diana offered to call the school &
report me absent, but I had to keep up. Sierra & I had to audition some
potential French Hornists that week, & I didn’t want it to go without my
input. Diana drove me to the school, this time without Taylor. He wanted to
stay with Zac & Ike while his Dad was talking to the Mercury execs. 
	“Hey, you look a little out in the woods,” Sierra commented after we
warmed up. “Got some big news today,” I whispered so Fillmore wouldn’t
hear. “News? OK, you must tell.” “It’s about the Hansons,” I told her just as
Fillmore got ready to start the band. We didn’t even have any music, so
Sierra fumbled through the music until she found the one that the flutes in
front of us had up. 
	After we played the song a few times, with Fillmore making
corrections with each group, we switched songs. “News about the Hansons?
What, are you like best buddies with them now?” she asked. “Can’t help but
know, they live down the street.” “What, do you & Taylor have some big
secret romance going on?” she asked. “What? Hell no! We’re just friends.”
She looked at me skeptically. “Seriously! Anyway, did you want to know that
news or not?” I asked her, getting tired of that subject. “Of course I do! I
need to stay updated on anything that might add to gossip!” I laughed. “Well,
this morning they got an offer for a record deal with a big company. I think
Walker’s talking to the execs now.” “Walker?” “Their dad.” “Oh. Well, this
is quite exciting. Imagine, someone from hick-town Tulsa getting a record
deal.” She shook her head. “Anyway, they want them to go to California &
have them record the album there.” “When?” “I don’t know, that’s what
they’re deciding now.” “That would be so kewl if they got it, they-” “Sierra,
would you care to contribute to the gossip of this class?” Fillmore asked her.
“Um, not quite yet. We’re still getting things straightened out.” “Well, get
things straightened out after class, or you can meet me in here for detention to
help tighten stands.” “OK, sounds good to me Randy!” she egged him. He
glared at her for using his first name, but just continued to instruct the class.
“Don’t think you’re getting out easy, I want full details about this tomorrow,”
she warned me as we started to play. 
	When class got out, Diana wasn’t there to pick me up, but I didn’t
worry about it. It wasn’t too long of a walk, & I figured that they got some
big news, so that’s why she was still there. Besides, it was a nice day out, & I
needed the fresh air. 
	“Hey, Sam?” I heard a voice from behind me call out. I turned around,
& it was Jade. “Hey, what are you doing out?” I asked her. “I cut seventh.
It’s just gym, nothing important. See, once you get the school nurse under
your thumb, it’s easy to have ‘women’s problems’ every two weeks.” I
laughed. “Plus, Becca wanted me to get over to her house by the time she got
back, & it’s a far walk. The bad thing is, Melly’s gonna be over there too.
Ick. She’s just so... fake, I guess the word is.” “Know how that is. Do you
know Emily.... oh, I don’t know her name. Blonde haired bimbo...” “Yeah,
everybody knows her. That description fits her perfectly. What about her?”
“Just that I know she likes Isaac, that’s all...” “Are you kidding? Everybody
in Oklahoma knows she’s in love with him! I mean, here’s an example, I have
her in english, & the whole time, instead of taking notes, she just writes ‘Ike
+ Emily’ or ‘Emily loves Ike’ all over her paper, it’s pathetic! It’s even all
over her assignments, can we say obsessed?” I shook my head. “That’s just
plain sad, that’s all I have to say.”
	A few minutes after Jade had to go her seperate way to Becca’s, Diana
drove up beside me. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry, it’s just that with this whole
record deal-” “It’s OK Mrs. Hanson, really. I didn’t mind walking. Plus, I
knew that there was a lot going on, & I understand.” Mac was in the front
seat, & Avie sat beside me. “Daddy & Ikey & Tay-tay & Zaccy are really
happy!” Avie exclaimed. “Well, I’m sure they are. They got some good news
today, some important people like your brothers’ music,” I told her. She
nodded, apparently not interested in details. 
	Diana drove me to their house, but I didn’t think I should stay. I
figured things would be hectic over there for a while, so I walked back to my
house. I checked on Kay & Troy, who had still found friends who were
homeschooled & were hanging out with them. By that time, school had gotten
out, so I called Amanda. She wasn’t home, which was odd, because she was
usually always home after school. I called Jason to see if she was at class
	“Yeah, she was there. But she forgot her house key, I bet that’s what’s
keepin her. Mat lives kinda near her, want me to call him & check?” he
asked. “Would you?” “Sure, I’ll call you back in just a sec.” He did in a
minute or so. “Mat said she just got in right as I called. You can try her now.”
“Okay, thanks!”
	I called Amanda back, but she couldn’t talk for long. She had broken a
hairpin in the lock, & now had to find a way to get it back out. All that made
me think of getting locked out of my house. I had my own house key, & even
though the side door was always unlocked, I wasn’t really anticipating the
idea of getting locked out of my own house. Then, I remembered the
procedure I’d read in a book about how they’d prevented getting locked out. I
ran down to my room to get my key & get started. 

Chapter 104- "What's up?

		***Tay’s View***
	The rest of the day was a daze. I didn’t know what was going on half
of the time, only that we were going to get signed. And that was all that
mattered for a while. Then, Dad told us about the tentative plans he’d started
with the record company. 
	They wanted us to be in California for a while to record. Soon, too.
Within the next month, possibly, Dad told us. They were still planning, but
they knew for sure that they wanted us there before November. We couldn’t
use the phone until nearly nine, & even then I didn’t get to use the phone. Ike
immediately called Krissy, then they agreed to meet the next day. Zac tried to
call Janie, but they got to talk for a total of about five seconds before I nearly
kicked the shit out of him because he wouldn’t give me the phone. I brought
the phone into the garage & called Sam. 
	“How’s everything over there going?” she asked. “It’s totally wacked.
No one knows exactly what’s going on, Dad’s been on the phone all day
making arrangements. They said they want us there soon, as soon as next
month. No later than November. Mom’s killing herself trying to keep the kids
under control. Everything’s been so hectic, the kids are completely wound up.
Plus, Mackie didn’t finish his nap... it’s just crazy. Not like it usually isn’t or
anything, it’s just, erk! Screwed up.” “Well, I have to go find Kay, so we’ll
talk tomorrow, OK?” “Sounds good. Bye!” 
		***Sam’s View***
	The next day, things were as crazy as Taylor described them. Neither
Walker nor Diana could concentrate on lessons, Walker kept thinking of
things to tell the record execs, & Diana was practically dead, walking around
like some kind of zombie. 
	Luckily, Diana was a little better by the time she had to take me to
band. She remembered to pick me up, too. When she got there, I found
Mackie, Jessie, & Taylor inside. “Gee, I guess everyone just couldn’t wait to
see me, huh?” “Uh, not exactly,” Taylor laughed. “Dad wants everyone out
of the house, he said we cause too much distraction. They’re working on I
guess you could call ‘paperwork’, but only over the phone. So Mackie’s
going shopping with Mom & they’re taking Jess to a friend’s.” “And what,
are they ditching you at the dump or something?” “Tay-tay said he’s going to
your house after we picked you up,” Jess told me. “Oh really? And when did
he certify this with myself?” I asked. “Uh, now?” he suggested. “Oh, fine
then. But you have to help me make dinner, I have practice tonight.” “Um,
how about I decide what to make & you make it?” he asked. “Don’t think
	After Taylor & I finished making dinner, I sent him out to get Kay at a
friend’s while I got everything ready to serve. Just then, the phone rang. It
was Ashley. 
	“Hey, what’s up?” he asked. “Stiff dicks & airplanes,” I answered.
“Uh, OK Sam. Bye,” he joked. “It’s not my fault! I got it from Mat,” I
protested. “I always knew that sneaky little perv would reform everyone to
his disgusting ways. So whatcha doin? And don’t you give me a sick
answer.” “Pooping.” “Sam!” “Me & Taylor just finished making the kids
dinner & he’s out getting Kay. Why?” “Boy, you guys act more like a
married couple everyday,” he sighed. “What the hell? No, we’re just friends
Ashley.” “Sure. Melly told me different.” “You know better than to believe
Melly, don’t you?” “No, Sam. Melly is my girlfriend, & I don’t think she’d
lie to me, especially about something like that,” he said oddly. “Fine, Ashley.
Believe what you want.” Taylor walked in the door, dragging Kay with him.
“I gotta go, I’ll talk to you later,” I said & hung up. 
	I got Kay & Troy some dinner & Taylor & I went down to my room to
eat. “So who was that?” he asked. “Ashley,” I sighed. “Sam, you still like
him, don’t you? And you despise Melly for having him,” he analyzed. “Yes, I
still like him, but who am I to begrudge them their happiness. I mean, maybe
they’re meant to be together. Maybe she’s the one for him,” I said lightly.
“Now c’mon Sam, we both know that’s about as likely as Dad getting us in a
fatal car wreck.” I laughed at the thought. Walker was the most careful driver,
especially with his family in the car. “See? I’m sure it will just be a matter of
time before he realizes his stupidity & comes crawling back. Now cheer up &
eat your pasta, it’s getting cold,” he grinned. I threw a carrot slice at him. He
mashed it into my pasta, then covered it. “I knew it would go bad soon,” he
smirked. “Asshole,” I muttered, picking the carrot out of my pasta. 
	Amanda picked me up for volleyball a half hour later, & everyone was
there but Jade. We had two games that weekend, & this was our last practice
until then. We started without her, & about a half hour later, she showed up.
Practice ended up running late, because we all sat around talking about the
teams we were playing. Amanda called her mom & told her not to show up
for about an hour late, but when we were finished, we had a half hour till our
ride would show up, & no one had any change. 
	Jade stayed there with us, since she had to walk back. “So, why were
you so late?” I asked. “I was over at Becca’s, & Melly was having a fit. I
didn’t just want to leave, but I was sick & tired of her whining.” “So did you
ask Becca about what I told you about?” I asked her. “Sure did. She said she
didn’t see anything wrong with it. She’ll just tell her that it’s for me,” she
assured me. “OK. As soon as I get it done, I’ll give it to you to give to her.”
She nodded. 
	When Amanda’s mom showed up, she offered to give Jade a ride
home. Jade refused, but her mother insisted, because it was already getting
dark out. There was a storm on the way, & her mother didn’t want Jade
getting caught in it. When we arrived at her house, I was somewhat surprised.
There were about three bicycles, and two tricycles. Seven kids, one about
eight, two about five, three looked about two years old, and the oldest was
holding a baby, were in the front yard. The five and two year-olds were
chasing eachother around the yard when one fell & started sobbing. Jade
jumped out of the van, muttered a small “thanks” to Amanda’s mom, then
yelled, “Everybody, get inside! Now! Leslie, did Josh get dinner started?”
The eight-year-old shrugged. “Great. You other kids, you better get on home,
they’ll be out tomorrow.” One of the five-year-olds took two of the
two-year-olds by the hand & led them off. Jade took the baby from Leslie’s
arms & led the three inside. 
		***Tay’s View***
	The week rushed by. Sam had two volleyball games lined up for that
weekend, & I had been planning on going to both, but Dad wanted to talk to
us about recording. We’d just finished up, & he wanted us to start again. Dad
wanted us to start to California in the beginning of October, which gave us
about a month to get packed. Dad said we’d be there for maybe 5 months, so
we should bring everything we’d need for that time. I didn’t want to be away
from home for 5 months, but Dad said we were going to rent a house there,
do it wouldn’t be too bad. 
	I got to the gym for Sam’s game just as it was ending. Sam’s team was
way behind, 6-13. There were only about 20 seconds left, so I waited around
until it was over. When it was, the two teams met at the net & gave eachother
five, then went back to their teams to talk. When that was done, Sam ran over
to me. 
	“I know, we sucked. How long have you been here?” she asked, taking
off her knee pads. “Just barely to see the end. It wasn’t all that bad, this is
only what, your fourth game?” I asked. “Yeah, but we only have two left. It
sucks, there aren’t enough teams here,” she whined. “It’s cause almost all the
girls went out for the school team instead. They don’t like to be on two teams
at once, cause on weekends sometimes they had to play three games.”
Amanda walked over. 
	“Hey guys, you need a ride?” she asked. “I don’t think so, you Tay? I
need to walk, I’m full of energy, & I think I might just explode,” she said.
“Um, in that case, maybe I will get a ride,” I joked. “Oh screw you. Call me,”
she told Amanda. Amanda nodded & ran out. 
	“Well, how bout we play a quick game of racquetball before we head
out?” Sam asked as we walked by the courts. “Oh, sure. I’ll kick your ass
anyway, I might as well.” “In your dreams, you stupid hippie,” she laughed,
tugging my rat tail. “I get the feeling you’re never gonna stop that, are you?” I
asked. “Not in the near future. Besides, it’s fun to bug you.” 
	We went upstairs & got the equipment & raced into the end court. Of
course, we didn’t wear out ‘required’ goggles, there was no need to. We
weren’t afraid of the stupid little blue ball hitting us in the face. We played
our hardest for a good half hour before we were both completely worn out.
We stopped keeping track of who was winning after the first 10 minutes, so
we just tried to make the other look stupid. 
	“So what’s going on with Mercury?” Sam asked as we walked home.
“Dad says he wants us to go there for 5 months, starting in October. He also
said we’d be working with other songwriters, which none of us is looking
forward to. But Dad said it would make a good impression if we at least tried
to get along with them.” “Five months? What are you gonna do, live in a
hotel?” “No, they said we’re renting a house. So we have to pack up our stuff
that’ll last us till then.” She nodded. “Isn’t that gonna suck, though? Move to
California for five months? I mean, if you have to go anywhere, California is
the place, but still.” “Uh huh. Especially when we’re working our asses off,
or at least that’s what they’re making it sound like. And all those professional
executives, we’ll just sound like a bunch of country hicks to them,” I sighed.
“Oh, I’m sure it won’t be that bad. Just keep your head up.”

Chapter 105- "What a Party"

		***Ike’s View***
	The next few weeks were hell. I broke the news to Krissy that we
would be moving to Cali in about a month, & she took it remarkably well.
She was kind of sad that we would be gone for as many as five months, but
then decided that since we didn’t have much time left, we should use it well.
We spent all our extra time together, which these days, wasn’t that much. But
we made the best of it. Krissy talked to a few friends, & found ways so that
she could skip some classes & not drop her grades. 
	“Wow, you only have, like, this week left,” she gasped as I drove her
back from school one day.  I’d gotten my restricted a few weeks before, &
since Krissy was slightly older than me, & had her license, it was legal.
Somewhat. “You’re right.” Dad & the execs had figured a time for us to go
there. Dad had rented us a house there that the company had helped him pick
out, & according to them, it was really nice. The house was getting packed
up, too. All we had left in our room were our beds, the things on our walls,
the lego table, & the stereo. Most of our clothes were stuffed into boxes, &
we had to clean up. Dad had talked to a few movers, & they were picking up
the big stuff in two days to start it off to Los Angeles, where we were staying.
No one had seen the house yet, but we were hoping that it would be big
	“I have an idea. Let’s have a party,” Krissy suggested. “Party?!
Where?” I asked, unbelievable. “I don’t know. Maybe just call everybody,
get ‘em to meet us at the cric or somethin.” I thought about it for a little
while, then asked, “Like, how many people?” “Good friends. I don’t know,
whoever you want to invite.” The idea was more & more appealing. Mom &
Dad said we could have a small party before we left, but not too many
people. There were enough things going on without having hundreds of
people over, they said. “That sounds pretty good. Let’s say, seven tonight?
But where at the cric?” The cric was what everybody called a fairly large
portion of the river that ran through town. “How about... over near that wall
with that hole to crawl through in it?” she asked. “Sounds good. How about
you call the girls, I’ll call the guys. Remember, the more the merrier,” I told
her as I stopped outside her house. “Otay then! See ya at seven!” We kissed,
& she ran inside. 
	When I got back, Tay & Sam were hanging in our room, listening to
the stereo. “Hey shrimps,” I said, sitting down by them. “Hey Chewie. Listen
to this,” Tay said, rewinding the tape. A minute later, he turned it back on. It
was the beginning of some weird 80s song. “What’s this crap?” I asked. “Not
this. Just a sec,” Sam mumbled. Then, it switched. I just barely caught the
beginning of it. 
	“And I say what goes around here-right out the window. I wear the
pants-when I’m finished with your laundry. I’m the man of the house-when
you’re not home. I’ll drink & watch sports anytime I want-to get in trouble.
Now you know I don’t like to fight, when I say jump you say yeah right. I’m
gonna do what I’m gonna do and I’m gonna do what you tell me to. I’m top
dog around here-but I’ve been neutered.” Then a chorus of women’s voices
sang, “He’s the man, he’s the man... ooh, you’re the man, man.” 
	I cracked up. “Where’d you guys get that?” I asked. “The radio! He
said that they played it a few days ago & were getting mad requests for it, so
there we go,” Sam told me. “It’s not from the start, though. But I’m gonna
retape it next time,” Tay said. “Well we’re havin a party tonight.” Tay looked
up at me in surprise. “Not you. Me & Krissy. Down at the cric. You guys can
have a party tomorrow, if you like. Just leave us & our party tonight,” I
insisted. “So, what kind of ‘party’ is this? And how many people? Um, two?”
Tay joked. “A few more than that, I bet. And it’s a kewl party. And now I
should go call people. Oh, & where’s Zac-attack?” “Uh, hmm. I bet either
Chris’s or Janie’s. Don’t know.” “Oh, great. Maybe he won’t show up for a
while. See you shorties later,” I said, standing up. Sam swung at my leg &
missed. I laughed at her & walked out. 
	I called about five people, then Krissy. “You call anybody yet?” I
asked. “Actually, I’m on the line now. You?” “Four plus me. Call me when
you’re done, K?” “This is my last, I’ll be right back, jussa sec,” she said, then
switched over. About a minute later, she was back. “Add six to that list,
including me.” “Tay said that they might have a party there tomorrow night.
Guess that was a pretty good idea you had there,” I told her. “Well, it’s your
going away party. I just wish it didn’t have to be so soon. Or maybe that is
good, sooner you can start work, sooner you can get that out, sooner you
guys can become the newest, hottest band!” she exclaimed. I laughed. “I
doubt it’ll be all that easy. But hey, it won’t seem that long, I’ll call whenever
possible. And I’ll write,” I guaranteed. “As will I. But let’s make the best of
the week we have left.” 
	“Don’t fall in!” Paul screamed as he pushed me toward the river. In
defense, I ducked down & fell to my knees in the mud instead. Luckily, I’d
worn my crap jeans, knowing that it wouldn’t be a clean event. A few people
behind me laughed along with me as I pulled myself up & pulled Paul by the
arm to the water. “Wanna go for a swim?” I asked. “Not here,” he protested,
digging his heels in the mud. “Oh, why not? C’mon, the water’s fine!” “Swim
with the snakes!” someone yelled. Paul yanked his arm back & hurried away
from where I was. 
	It was starting to get dark out, & a few people had brought some Jack
Daniels with them. But some people, including Krissy & I, had avoided it.
Paul was pretty drunk, & there was one guy that was just laying on the
ground, he was so dead drunk. I looked at Krissy, & saw that she wanted us
to end the party before it got too out of hand. Paul ran over to Cynthia & was
getting all over her. Since she was one who didn’t drink anything, she was
quite reactive, & she tried to slap him. He kept trying, but I distracted him. 
	“Hey Paul, don’t you think you had a little much to drink?” I asked.
“Don’t you think you had a little.. little to drink?” he said, then cracked up.
The guy laying on the ground, who I didn’t really know that well, since
someone else invited him, started laughing hysterically. “I just don’t want
any, don’t wanna end up looking as stupid as you do right now.” He suddenly
became sober. “Man, I ain’t stupid. You best take that back right now,” he
warned. “No, you do look pretty damn stupid. I think you better get back
home & get some rest,” I told him, trying to go easy on him. “I ain’t stupid, &
you’re gonna regret you said that.” He lunged at me, but I jumped back. His
reflexes were slow, so it took him a moment to realize that I wasn’t there
anymore. I grabbed both his arms & held them behind him. “Look man, just
get home, OK? You’re gonna have a helluva morning as it is, you don’t need
more on top of that,” I threatened. He mumbled something, & I twisted his
arms a little more to tell him I was serious. “OK, fine! You get your way, I’ll
get the hell out,” he grumbled & I let him go. “No hard feelings, man. It’s
best for ya.” “Ya fine, no hard feelings...” he muttered & walked off. 
	Krissy & I made sure that everyone cleared out before we left. “Well,
that ended up kind of a drag,” Krissy groaned. “It was going good for a while
before Paul got out of hand,” I told her. “It was a good idea. Really,” I
assured her. She nodded. “If it wasn’t me who said it, somebody else
would’ve anyway.”