Who Am I???
Who Am I...a woman and proud to be ...

Wife ...
Mother ...
Friend ...

Welcome Friends this page is about my poetry, some was borrowed from a friend and some was written by me!!! So if you enjoy poetry please enter in and have fun reading it, but please i ask you don't take it live it as it is on the page. If you wish to borrow one just email me and ask ok. So have fun and don't forget to tell me what you think, just sign my guestbook, and let me know what you think ok. Thank you all so much for visiting I hope you will have a great time and come back again..
Um.... The font that I am using is CAC CHAMPAGNE which you can get it HERE


Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you planned:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.

The Angel:

I walk down the hall,
Crying with tears in my eyes,
Praying towards the Angel,
The angel to save my life.
I walk into class,
Standing by the rows,
They watch me as I go;
Hoping the Angel,
The angel will answer me.
I sit down at my desk,
Pulling the needle from my chest,
Hoping the Angel,
Will be there when I come.

Thru the Park
Thru the park
I did dwell.
I loved a boy
And loved him well.
He came and took my heart from me
But now he wants to set me free.
One day he put a strange girl on his knee
And told her things he never told me.
Now I understand why
For she was far prettier than I.
I went straight home that night and said,
"Mother, dear, I'm going to bed."
My father came home late that night
And searched for me from left to right.
Thru my bedroom door he broke
And saw me hanging from a rope.
"Oh daughter, dear, what have you done?
You've killed yourself for one man's son?"
He took a knife and cut me down
And on my dresser this note was found:
Dig my grave and dig it deep.
Of marble stone from head to feet.
And on my stone place a dove.....
To show the world I died for love.

Traveling with You (In My Heart)

As I travel through Connecticut wilderness,
it is you who I think of--you who I miss.
Looking at all this Connecticut history,
my love for you to others remains a mystery.
Still I travel to Rhode Island,
with only you on my mind.
Massachusetts comes up so rapidly,
fastly approaching the mighty sea.
But even the beauty of the wilderness and sea,
do not compare to your beauty which is so easy to see.
We are born into the World
Like a blank canvas
And every person that crosses our path
Takes up the brush
And makes their mark
Upon our surface
So it is that we develop
But we must realize there comes a day
That we must take up the brush
And finish the work
For only we can determine
If we are to be
Just another painting
Or a Masterpiece

Where are They?

They called themselves friends, and you called them that too,
but this thing they call friendship, is it really true?
For awhile it is all just fine,
then these friends are all saying mine.
When it comes to their problems- you always have an ear;
yet when you have a problem- they are never very near.
You begin to question what you value most,
and your friends enter your heart for a party for which you are
the host. Then when the party dies down,
your friends are not around.
Even if a friend remains one you would call a 'best';
you are afraid that they'll turn out like the rest.
So now my heart is dying and my will to live is too,
I am still dreaming for a love and friend that is really

A Seductive Sin

Long and Luscious
Burning Fire
Slow and Slick
Sweet Desire
Love and Passion
In depths within
Light and Flicker
A seductive sin