Indonesian Psychiatric Association |
Hyatt Regency Surabaya |
The Indonesian Psychiatric Association is still young in age. It is rooted in Indonesian Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery back in 1970. After the member of each specialisation grew in number, they split and became separate associations in 1983.
In this congress, the sessions consist of organisational and scientific ones, but the main purpose of the congress is to settle organisational issues. The organisational sessions will deal with some changes in IPA Statutes to cope with recent and future needs and the election for the next IPA President. We will discuss and set our new curriculum catalogue for medical education and residential training.
The scientific sessions will cover symposia, free paper and poster
sessions. There will be a special meeting of, what we expect to be the
embryo of Indonesian Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
The daily schedule: (Click on the bullet to see the program of that day and abstracts of the papers presented. Unfortunately most of them are in Indonesian)
June 28, 1997
June 29, 1997
June 30, 1997
July 1, 1997
July 2, 1997
July 3, 1997