Welcome to the Vintage Camera Pages

Welcome to the Daryl Hiebert Vintage Camera Pages. I will be continually updating the content here to reflect the camera gear that I own. Please come back soon as changes are continual. This site will never be "completed" in any sense, but it will rather be in a continual evolution as I acquire more gear and take more pics. In the meantime, you might also be interested in checking out my gallery.

Whoah, It's been a long time sonce I've even looked at this stuff. I took a bunch of photos of my cameras so I will be uploading them soon and placing them in the appropriate sections. I've also picked up some new toys so watch for new pages on some Russian cameras, and the Nikkormat FTN.


I will be adding links to these as I am able to get more info as well as pics of each camera and from each camera! I take pride in collecting all functional cameras.


Leica IIIg
Welta Welti -- 35mm folding camera built to last. Very cute too!!
Zeiss Contina

Medium Format

Welta Weltax -- German made, simple and well built
Welta Reflekta (TLR) -- Kinda cheap
Wirgin Peerflekta (TLR) -- Built like a brick. Solid, not about to break any time soon.
Zeiss Nettar 515/2 -- 6x9 on 120
"The Una Camera" Definitely the jewel of my collection


Kodak Stuff
Kodak 1a
Kodak 1a autographic
Kodak Eastman Box cameras


All content ©1998, Daryl Hiebert