Well.I see all of you are waiting to hear more about Genar,and his New Clan.

I would like to say,that since Lorete was dead,all lived happy ever after.

Since this is not a fairy tale,but true adventures of Genar,and his followers,it wasn't that way.

There were a few years of peaceful living,of love and children,but Oh so few.

Remember Sylar,and Elbe? They flew away when Lorete was slain.They flew over the Ocean of Peacefull Dream's to the Island Of Rilft.

There,they made them selves useful to a horde of beings called the "TOIN",led by an evil one called "KLOCK".

Over the years they tried to influence Klock to invade Genars home.

Telling him of richness,and bounty for the taking.

At first Klock paid no head.But as time passed their words turned his thoughts to Genar"s home.

And plans began to be made to invade.

So,settle back,while I tell of the evil,these two once again set forth on Genar,and his life.

The Ocean Of Peaceful Dreams,lay quite,near where Genar made his home.

Still alone,even with all about him.

Jana,a grown man was busy building up a fleet of ships to discover new lands.

Torm,Py,and their wives were building homes for the growing clan,and of course Lanol was by Genars side.

Genar thought of Lanol,as becoming his mate,but it seemed as if the time was never right.

Oh,Genar,act quickly because there might not be as much time as you think.

The moon hung low in Dorexea's night sky.

All were sleeping in the castle.

Sounds like a peaceful scene.

But,thru the night evil was flying it's way towards them.

Sylar,was coming,to start his evil deeds.

He croached low,watching the Castle.

There was no one afoot,as he lay there evil eyes in watchfulness.

What was the plan behind those evil,red,eyes?

Into the Castle he crept.To.Lanol's bed chambers,and like Lorete of long ago,he took her.

Not for the same reasons,Lorete had taken Jana,but to draw Genar from Dorexea to The Island of Rilft.

To leave Dorexea unprotected,and open to Klock.

Klock,made his home on the highest peaks,on the Island.

And this is where Sylar took Lanol.

Lanol,stood shaking with fear,as she knew what Genar would do,when it was discovered she was gone.

He,would never give up the search,and all of old would be drawn in to it with him.

In,anguish she fell to the floor,weeping.Was she to be the reason Dorexea fell?

Around her stood the TOIN,glaring at her,but not approaching.

Sylar,lay in the corner tail twiching,and told her of KLOCK'S plan.

When word reached Genar,that she was gone,and they set sail to Rilft,they would sail also,and take Dorexea.

Even,as Sylar was telling Lanol of the evil plans,the castle,was a light with those brave men,once again preparing to go to battle.

Jana,rushed to awaken the others at sea side,and the Castle blazed with light.

All of the seafaring folk,were waiting at dock side when Genar,and the rest came in to sight.

The ships were ready,and soon they set sail to find Lanol,at the Island Of Rilft.

And all tho it was not yet daylight,they left catching the wind in their sails.

What danger were they sailing into? Over unknown waters to unknown lands.

With out permission of the Sea Maids to travel over their waters?

And was Firla,the Sea Maid Queen aware of what was now going to be the most dangerous journey of Genar's life?

Genar,stood on the bow of the ship,once again in pain of losing a loved one.

One,who he had not taken the time to make his own.

Like,all of you,believing time is on your side,when it is not.

As the convoy of ships,sailed into open waters,the sea creatures were all about.

And in the distance,the unlucky crew members could see the ghostly outline of another ship.

This was the ship of Lost Life.

The ship of lost souls sailed forever,after losing their lives to the waters below.

Genar watched as the ghostly ship slid by.

Wind in silent sails,and cutting thru the water leaving no wake.

Passing by as silently as a moon beam falling on the meadows of home.

Was this a sign that they were due to fail?

Or,a sign they were being watched over?

As they sailed on,others were sailing as well.

But they were sailing to Dorexea.

Dorexea,alone,and unprotected.

But these,were not the evil Toin sailing to Dorexea.

They were unknown friends of Genar.

Friends he had yet to meet.

Friends,from so long ago,not even an memory remained.

Destined to meet,once again in open water.

To battle an evil together.But more of them later.

So.here we have two ships sailing to what destiny?

Lanol altho a prisioner,was allowed to wander the isle.

Watched by unseen eyes.

Kneeling by the pool,Lanol saw in the crystal waters,the shape of Hird.

He was the water king,of waters aland.

He told her of Genar on his way to find her.Of the many dangers he would face before reaching her.

Of how she must not give up hope.

To hold her self true to him,and Dorexea,and then faded from sight.

Can I do this,she asked?

And the wind whispered yes!!!.

Yes,Firla was now aware of the ships on her waters.

She listened,with half closed eyes,to the stories the sea creatures were telling her.

Firla,was not pleased.

No one sailed on her waters,with out her permission.and she would make them pay dearly,for doing so.

As she floated in the arms of her waters,she planned her next move regarding those foolish men.

Now,my friends,the stage is set.All of the players are in place.

Each of them heading for their own destiny.

While,we leave Klock,standing looking out to sea,waiting,and waiting.

What will be the out come of this journey?

Will Genar find Lanol?

And what of Dorexea?

Will Klock pull Dorexea to her knees?

Who are the strangers sailing to cross paths with Genar?

And what of the anger of Firla?

Stay tuned for:

Coming soon.