Genar,and the rest of his new Clan,hurried as fast as the horses could take them.The horses sides were heaving with the effort.

Seeing a meadow with a stream of water close at hand,Genar called them to a halt.The horses needed a rest,even if it was only a short one.

When a bright light began to flicker,became blue,then gold.and a bright white.

Within this bright light they saw something they had never dreamed of.A White dragon!!Now we know who this is,its Soma,but the dumbstruck people looking at her knew not.

Genar,she said.Be not afraid.I am here to tell you,you will find Jana this day,but you will lose him again,to Lorete.

Genar knew this meant death to Jana.No,Soma said,not death.Its not death that will keep you apart,its Time.

Time,thought Genar,I have no time,I need my son.Beside me to be able to go on.

Soma,knew of how much time was to pass,after Jana was spirted away again,but could not bring herself to tell him.

Hurry,to the Castle Genar,Soma said,they need you there.And watch for Jana.Look deep,and in dark places.Jana will not be found in the light.

On saying this,the glow faded to a pinpoint of light,and Soma was gone.

The group stood in silence for a moment,and then with Soma's words ringing in their ears,once more they mounted,and raced towards the Palace.

The sounds of battle,could be heard as the group rode in to the Palace court yard.Genar leaped from his mount,and ran to the steps leading to the castle turrets.

A Green dragon was coming down the steep stone steps,and Genar greeted it with sword in hand.A fierce fight began,and Genar bested the beast,and it withdrew with a fierce bellow.

Torm,and Py were having a fight of their own,with a band of creatures not meant to see the light of day.

They lurked in the shadows,and only attacked when one of the others had their backs turned.

The women,had been told to withdraw,and they had.But Lanol wanted to join the men,but would not leave Nola alone.

Lanol,could no longer contain her self,and rushed in to the Palace to join the battle.She found her self in a cavern under the Palace,and in the midst of two dragons.One being that coward Sylar.

And with him,hiding in the shadows was Elbe.Two of the most cowardly dragons in Lorete's horde.

And tho they spat,and hissed at Lanol,they made no move to attack her.

To a woman such as Lanol,it was a disgusting sight,and she turned her back on them.

Why they were not fighting beside Lorete,she knew not.But Lanol knew Lorete,would punish them when this dark day was over.And it mattered not who was the victor.

If Lorete won or loss,these two would not forget this day.

Deeper than even where Lanol was standing,was the grotto where the Queens were hiding.They did not go into battle,they had drones that fought for them.

They were uneasy,as they could not tell what was happening in the Palace courtyard.The sounds of the battle reached their ears,as they huddled close together.

Darh,Roted,and Mento all in one place,at one time.That in its self was an unusual thing.

The sounds seemed to be drawing closer,and they became more fearful,as there were no drones there to protect them.

After all,they were not meant to fight.They were meant to rule.

From higher up,Lanol also heard the sounds,but to her ears it was not battle.

A different sound this was.A slithering,creaking sound and one that chilled the blood in her veins.

Rushing into the room where Lanol stood,came Genar,Torm,and Py.And following close behind was a thing they had never seen before.

A long dead dragon now only bones faced them.How do you slaughter that which is all ready dead? A gaping mouth,from which a sound like no other was ringing in their ears.

The sound was high,and was felt to the very core of their bodies.To the men they felt fear.This was not what kind of dragon they had fought before.

Not one of flesh.And for a split second of time,they made no moves.

Genar stood his ground,and pointed his sword at the on coming menace,and from nowhere came a flash of blue light.

Like a sword of steel,it cut this evil thing down,and then the light vanished from whence it came.

Soma.stood invisible in the corner.This was not the way this battle was to end.

Remember I told you Soma had a plan of her own.Those things she could change,or divert she would.And those things she was not able to change,time would.

Time,she thought.So much time must pass before this journey for Genar comes to its end.

From the back of the grotto,and in the dark lurked Lorete.Not only was she hiding from the men,but she was hiding Jana.

Jana,heard Genar's voice,and called out to him.And even over the confusion of the battle,Genar heard him,and his heart beat with joy.

Turning from the others,he rushed to Jana,and Lorete stood ready for battle.

She was not ready to lose this boy.Clutching Jana in one huge claw,she left the grotto,and rushed to the Palace courtyard,and then into the air.

Once more,taking Jana with her.Genar sunk to his knees,and cried out in pain.Gone again!! Gone again!!

Above Dorexea,was the Land Of What Was.Circling above the pool of Time,were the watchers.

They watched the battle below,they watched Lorete steal Jana again,and the pain of Genar.

They knew it was time to intervene in his pain.Also knowing to, that what was coming would hurt him more,there was no other ending to this evil doing of Lorete,but this way.

In a circle,they began to fly,and time slipped by.

Many years slipped by since the battle at the Palace.It had been twenty years since Lorete flew away that day.Once more taking Jana.

Lorete,to had disappeared,and even her horde.The dragon folk had nearly forgotten that terrible time.

Piod,and Torm had married,and soon to be wed were Py,and Nola.Genar was still alone.

Lanol would have changed that,but Genar had only had thoughts of Jana,even after this long of time.

Then,one day came word of sighting Lorete,with a young man in the forests of Gla.And once more Genar knew the young man had to be Jana.

Tension grew in the Palace,as the men started to prepare for a journey.This time to Gla.

Torm picked up his sword once again,and said goodbye to his wife.She would not ask him to stay,she knew he could not.

Torm knew this,and loved her more for it.

Genar was waiting for him.But this time there would not be a journey on foot.

Genar rode a drone this time,instead of horse back.He was on the way to the forest of Gla.

Torm,and the others were to follow.From his flying dragon,Genar would be able to see for miles.I will find you Lorete.And this time,I will kill you.

Lorete has been hiding for twenty years,will Genar find her?

And will he find Jana,at long last?

You have been such good listeners,I am going to give you a clue.This is what he will find.The rest will have to wait for Chapter Seven.

Jana,at long last!!!