I'm Stephanie
Stepanie LeAnne Mayes
My name is Stephanie LeAnne Mayes and I'm two years old. My Nana is writing this for me because, even though I'm very smart for two years old, Nana doesn't like for me to type on her computer. I could do it...but Nana says no. She does let me do the mouse sometimes and I really like clicking that thing over and over again !
I live at the lake with my Mommy and right next door to my Nana and Papa. I got my first fishing rod this summer. It has Snoopy on it and a bobber that lights up. I can cast it out a little but I'm real good at reeling it in. I caught my first fish this summer. It was a perch and I was so happy and excited! I love to ride in the boat. I sit beside my Papa and he lets me drive. I like for Papa to go fast ! I stand up beside my Mommy and my Nana and I holler " GO ! GO ! GO ! The bad part about riding in the boat is the life jacket. But I got to wear it or I don't get to go. :-(
We have a big red dog named Jake. I love Jake and he loves me. I give him some of my cookies and he let me try some of his dog food. Mommy and Nana laughed but Papa didn't like it too much. Jake lets me sit on his back, but he doesn't like me messing with his tail. He has a long pretty tail. Jake gives me kisses and I give him kisses back !
" Sweetie Peetie "
( that's what Nana calls me )
Nana promises pictures of me and Jake and me and my fishing pole.