Welcome to my scrapbook!

Here I'll share some personal photos as well as some bloopers from some of my photo shoots! Enjoy!

This is me doing what I do best...having my cake and eating it too!

What can I say? Sometimes models just are not happy with the results of a photo shoot!

All images copyright by Images of Pearl.

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It is true that I play a mean game of pool...especially if you're my PARTNER!

Here is my friend Pnutgirl! They say behind every man is a good woman...but the only thing she does behind me is kick me in the BEHIND! She's one of the funniest people I know and I just think she's "DA BEST!" *S*

Somehow, I was talked into doing the Bay to Breakers race with my friends Debbie and Dale. I'm just glad they took the picture BEFORE the race!

Every so often, a photo shoot may just run a bit too long!