"Oh, baby, it's gonna be my biggest one yet. Three years in the making. 740 cast members. 350 crew members. And 22,000 extras."
Man:" What was your greatest expense?"
Micky:"Coffee and doughnuts."

Lady:"Who was the 8th president of the United States of America?"
Pete:"I'm afraid I don't know that."
Lady:"The boss isn't here and a sound like a nice guy.I'll let you know his last name Van..."
Pete:"Van Johnson"
Pete:"Van Heflen"
Pete:"Which one's wrong,Van or Heflen?"
Lady:" Van is right, it's his last name."
Pete:"Moving Van!"
Pete:"Pickup Truck!"
Lady:"His first name is Martin"
Pete:"Dean Martin!"
Lady:"Martin ... Van..."
Pete:"Martin Van Buren!"

Mike: "What's your name?
Man: "Bronis Lockolonofski."
Mike: "Bronis Lockolonofski! I can see it now... in lights... all the way around the theater marquee."

Davy:"Please, not the galley, please! Not the galley, please don't hang me, don't hang me."
Micky:"No, not the gallows, the galley."
Davy:"Oh, you had me frightened there for a minute."