Thunderous Thursday- June 18, 1998

"The Ego" Alex Nelson easily defeats Stardust. This match was incredibly one sided as The Ego showed off an impressive arsel of dropkicks and DDTs. It looked as though Stardust was about to mount a comeback when The Ego threw him into the corner and nailed him with his Ego Splash. Alex then applied a headlock, dragged the arm over and applied the Ego Drop. Winner, Alex Nelson Time of match 7:32.

Cougar defeats Nitro. This was a tough match from the beginning with Cougar countering Nitro's finisher. After a few more minutes of brawling without a clear winner when Nitro's partner, Da Bad Guy, ran to the ring. But Cougar was ready for this as well. A superkick took out Da Bad Guy and Nitro, seemingly shocked that his plan had failed, fell to Pounce. Winner, Cougar Time of Match 18:32.

"The Cobra" Chris Cain annihilated Anarchy 99. Anarchy attempted to overpower The Cobra, but Cain was ready. He went straight for the knee of Anarchy 99. After almost twenty minutes of Cain's attack on the knee of Anarchy 99. Eventually, Cain went for the Demon Seed. Winner Chris Cain, Time of Match 22:28.

"Hazy" Davey Sinclair fought a hard battle against Todd "Iron" Mahan. Todd's manager, Rusty, attacked Sinclair before the match started which helped lead to the match's outcome. Corporate Raider, Sinclair's manager, threw in a lead pipe which Davey used to hit Mahan with. Too bad for him the referee was able to see this and disqualified him. Winner, Todd "Iron" Mahan, Time of Match 11:40.

The final match of the evening had to be cancelled due to Da Bad Guy being incapcitated from his match with Cougar. Masta Pimp could have been declared the winner, but he did not come to the arena.