Medley Of Jesus


You saw me Crying in the Chapel
It was because of what I learned.

I knowIt Is No Secret
and it's nothing that I've earned.

I know I'll Never Walk Alone
for He came into my life to stay.

He said TakeOne Day at a Time
and I'll lead you gently day by day.

At times it seems I still must ask
Why Me Lord and why am I afraid?

But ifHis Eye is On The Sparrow
I know He hears me when I pray.

His Love Lifted Me
He has filled my life with peace

For He accepts me Just As I Am
and my sorrows have all ceased.

And on days when I am tired
Where Could I Go But to the Lord?

 As we walk In The Garden
He talks with me until my weary spirit is restored.

He Has the Whole World in His Hands
and this promise He has made

"There will be Peace in the Valleysomeday
where all suffering and heartaches fade.

Since the first day that He Touched Me
I've never questioned the love He gives

For I know and understand this great love is just
Because He Lives