Just a few things you can do to protect yourself.

Don't give out your real name, phone number, home address, etc..

If it comes time where you feel safe enough with someone to do so, take it one step at a time, and be very cautious.

Get an anonymous Internet e-mail address. Don't use your real name for it. That information will be sent along with any e-mail.

Don't trust anyone who asks you for all this personal information without even knowing you.. Tell them no. If they badger you, get away from them quickly.

If you refuse your phone number to someone, and they volunteer theirs, don't call them from home. If they have caller ID, they now have your number.

I don’t want to sound pessimistic but bad things do happen and a little common sense never hurt anyone. And if you find someone that wants this information and you really like them but still don’t feel that’s it right at that time. Tell them. If they don’t like it tough. Anyone who would really care for you would not pressure you into something that you didn’t feel was safe. They would be willing to wait.