WELCOME to my page! After creating a class page for the children to use to surf the net safely, I decided it was time to do one for my fellow comrades in the teaching profession! So, I hope you will find my links beneficial in assisting you in your classroom instruction! I teach 3rd grade in the hometown I love so much!My own 2 daughters tell me no matter what I wear or what I say or do I always act like a teacher, but I just can't help it. It's what I am, have been for 20 years and enjoy very much! It's frustrating at times, but I don't know anything else I could be doing that I would find as fulfilling.
Children are our future! Please explore my recommended sites! Come back often! If you're interested in e-mailing: or Would like to get some feedback! My other pages are: and the first page I did: Happy surfing!
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