This page is at its infancy so disregard the gross simplicity of this page for now. I plan on expaning this cavern and perhaps create subsections for others to find refuge when the fall into oblivion becomes too overwhelming. For now, be content with the few works on display within the walls of my chasm.

The following "demotivators" are from =(
I laughed so hard that for a moment I was glad to be alive. Then I got over it.
The following are just a sample of my favorites. Check out the site for more despair!

These are just a few samples of art I hope you might enjoy. I plan on expanding this section once I find the motivation to live.

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Copyrigth Jhonen Vasquez

Johnny takes a breather after a hard day's work!

H.R. Giger

Anima Mia by H.R. Giger

ELP by H.R. Giger

The Magician by H.R. Giger

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