Poem for the Poor NBA Players
Danno's Poem for the Poor NBA Player

Praise the Lord the strike is over
The NBA lockout has ended
The two needy sides got together
And their differences were mended

I could not help but worry
When I first heard of the strike
I feared for the less fortunate NBA star
Who needed a few million dollar pay hike

I feared for the poor NBA hoopsters
And I panicked from afar
I feared that Barkley, Jordan, or Malone
Would have to sell one of their eight or so cars

I was almost brought to tears
At the thought of those poor millionaires
Having to fly to New York to vote
And having to pay their own fares

Having to get by with a few million a year
Could really be a pain in the neck
That’s what I kept thinking as I waited on line
To deposit my $600 weekly paycheck

And you can’t help but feel happy for
The man they call “The Shaq”
It’s not like he can do anything else
He sure as hell can’t act

Those poor poor NBA stars seemed upset
They were concerned for the fans during the lockout
I get misty-eyed thinking about how
Latrell Spreewell has had no coach to knock out

Well now it’s over, we’re asked to forgive
The season will get back on course
God only knows I can feel better now knowing
Players can smile while driving their Porsche

Thank you NBA for thinking of us
The hard working blue collar fan
All of us can hardly wait
For the lift on the free agent ban

I was so moved by your willingness to fight
You believed it was worth fighting for
That I asked for a $20 a week raise at work
And my boss escorted me through the door

I told him that he was mistaken
I want more money like the NBA features
I guess your job is more important than mine
How I regret being a lowly school teacher

Written by Danno 1/7/99

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