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Who Is Satan? How and Why Does He Operate?

Up in heaven before the creation of the material universe began, there were already huge numbers of Sons of God that had already been "brought forth". These sons were all spirit creatures like God. They are also called angels. Hebrews 1:7, Job 38:4, 7, Genesis 6:1-4. One of these sons was extra special. He was the firstborn, the first one "brought forth" or begotten by the Almighty God. That Son, was the spirit son who became Jesus Christ several millineums later. Proverbs 8:22-36, Daniel 3:25. Jesus was "set up", "brought forth", he was by him as one brought up with him and he was daily his delight rejoicing in front of his Father. Jesus was very much a Son of God who was "brought forth", meaning he was created or begotten (genesised). The first book of the Bible is called Genesis after the Greek word meaning created, creation, etc. Only-begotten comes from mono-genesis. Jesus was the only part of creation directly begotten or created by his Father, the Almighty. Then he begot all the other things in heaven and on earth. Colossians 1:15-17, etc. Jesus is always under the headship of his Father, always SUBJECT to the Almighty. 1 Corinthians 11:3, 15:24, 28.

The first things Jesus created were other spirit persons like him and his Father. One of these spirit sons of God was called Lucifer which means bright shining one. At first, Lucifer was perfect and faithful like all God's sons. He had no sin at all. He was so faithful that he was placed as the guardian cherub covering Eden. Ezekiel 28:13-17, Isaiah 14:13-15. Satan SINNED and became FILLED WITH VIOLENCE. In fact, he committed UNPARDONABLE sin and was long ago condemned to eternal punishment along with his angels. In addition, he wanted to be like the most high, he wanted to be a god/God, too. Revelation 20:10, Matthew 25:41, 46. He and the demons he rules have no hope of gaining eternal life or of achieving salvation. Hebrews 10:26-29, 6:4-6. John 8:44 says of Satan, that, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father or it."

Yes, Satan is both a murderer and a liar. The names Satan (Satanas) and Devil (Diabolo) mean "resister" and "slanderer". He resisted the Almighty by refusing to go along with truth and refusing to obey God. He was a slanderer because he spoke badly of God and lied against God's teachings and commands. He told Adam and Eve that disobeying God would not bring death, but god-ness. That they would be like the Almighty. Genesis 3:4, 5. He caused Adam and Eve to commit unpardonable sin along with him. Hebrews 10:26-29, 1 Timothy 2:14. When Adam died, he became dust and has no more existence anywhere. He did not gain immortality or anything at all. Genesis 3:19, 1 Timothy 6:16, Ezekiel 18:4, 20, Ps. 146:4, Eccles. 9:5, 10, more.

The next heading will talk about the demons. How did they sin? How many are there? What do they do?

Demons--How Did Satan Trick Them into Disobedience?

We saw in the previous section that Satan is the Father of the lie and there is no truth in him. John 8:44. He lied to Adam and Eve promising them that they would not die but become gods. Genesis 3:4, 5, 1 Timothy 2:14. But what cunning lie could he tell the angelic sons of God? They were up in heaven with him. They were as knowledgable as he was. Up in heaven, they knew the Almighty and his firstborn son intimately. All their knowledge was firsthand and irrefutable. There was nothing up there that he could use to lie to them about or trick them. So what happened?

Well, Adam and Eve were allowed to live out a human lifetime. The judgment of death was on them, but a judgment day is 1,000 years (2 Peter 3:7, 8) so they lived and produced children. Then they died within that time. You know the story of Cain and Abel, their first 2 children. But Adam lived on and at 130 years he gave birth to Seth. Then he lived 800 more years after that and begot many sons and daughters both. He died at 930 years old. Genesis 5:3-5. Then his children continued on fulfilling God's command to be fruitful, become many, and fill the earth. Genesis 1:26-28. This continued for hundreds and hundreds of years. God had no written law anywhere yet so there were no real guides for humans to go by. Some humans began taking all the wives they wanted instead of just one. What were the heavenly sons of God doing at this time? What were they thinking?

Genesis chapter 6 answers, "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." Verses 1, 2. Yes, the sons of God up in heaven are very interested in the lives of the sons and daughters of men here on earth. Job 1:2, 7, 2:1, 2. They watch us with great interest. And some of the angels, no doubt urged by Satan, began to get envious. They felt something was being with held from them. So they left their own inhabitation to come to earth to enjoy sex relations and have as many wives as they wanted. Jude 6, 2 Peter 2:4. This was a terrible sin. Marriage is not something heavenly beings can enjoy, not even the humans who go to heaven to rule with Christ. Matthew 22:29, 30

What happened to these angels, their many human wives, and the children they had. The angels continued to exist, but were in spiritual darkness and reserved for destruction. They cannot be forgiven. Jude 6, 2 Peter 2:4.

Heavenly sons of God cannot produce healthy children with humans. They are incompatible life forms. The children were only male and were violent deformed giants. Genesis 6:4, "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renoun. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth..."5

Wicked spirits in heaven who come to take lots of wives are not gods or good guys, but are wicked demons. They caused the earth to be filled with evil which led God to use Noah and his family to build an ark to save the 8 of that family from the flood which destroyed the women who married heavenly beings and the children they had with them. Rest of Genesis chapter 6 and on.

Is this the end of the demons and their prince, Satan the Devil? What are they doing now? How do they continue to deceive humans?

Caution! Demons at Work!

The Bible shows that Satan and these wicked demons have continued to be very busy meddling in man's affairs. They haven't been able to intermarry as they did before the flood, but they have found a new means to interact with humans and mislead them. What is that?

1 Corinthians 10:20-22 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 tell a great deal about this. They use RELIGION to keep inputting their own false ideas into humanity. Christians are counseled repeatedly in the Bible not to take up any of the doctrines and traditions of the Gentiles as they are sacrificing to demons and not to God.

When Noah and his family settled in the region of Mt. Ararat, a culture grew up. They began to try to stop God's purpose of spreading humans all over the earth and they wanted to make a name for themselves. Genesis chapter 11. So their langauge had to be confused. Noah's offspring went off and separated. The descendants of Shem (Semitic) became the ones who eventually received a God inspired religion. The other groups began to worship the demons that had become flesh.

In the ancient and even modern pagan religions, most of their gods have a wife who is also a god and lives in heaven with them. Usually, they can only have 1 wife who is a god. Mainly because gods can harm each other. But they have many consorts, wives they take from the lower realms. So they have children with their god-wives that are also gods. And they have children with their human wives that are God-man or demigods. These gods are usually worshipped in groups of 3 and a temple is built to house the family of 3 gods together.

These religions teach many things that contradict the Bible and the religion started by the only true God. So it is for good reason we are told not to adopt their customs or beliefs. That includes their bad ideas about death, life after death, their holidays or whatever.

Yet that is exactly what most "Christian" religions have done. Some of the sects of Christendom have done it even worse. Jesus warned us that Satan would not stay out of Christian religion. In fact, Jesus made a prophecy, a parable about how Satan would begin inventing false Christian religions just as soon as Jesus died started true Christianity. Matthew 13:24-30, 37-43. Compare 1 Corinthians 11:17-19, 1 Cor. 1:10, Romans 16:17. Most religions at least realize that Satan is evil and a deceiver, but they have accepted religions that merely give a Christian name to these pagan religious doctrines and customs. Often, they have evolved proof texts out of the Bible to try to make it seem from the Almighty God.

Unbelievably, there is a Christian group that actually teaches Satan is a good guy who was helping Jesus to test everyone. They further hold that the lies Satan told told were actually truth and were thought up by Jesus and his Father. Compare John 8:44. They live their lives hoping to be gods and be able to be bigamists also, marrying people in the lower 2 heavens and on earth as well and producing children with them. (Mormons-LDS hold these doctrines and further teach the doctrine of universal salvation claiming that God is going to make everyone accept their religion eventually.)

If you would like to know more about what doctrines and customs were taken from pagan religions and not the Bible or if you want to have a free Bible study or have Bible questions, please contact Jehovah's Witnesses or a Kingdom Hall in your area. Those who want may write to me though I prefer that men write to a man and will forward your email.