
quotes taken from I heard MM on the San Francisco area radio station KOME 98.5 a good quote
from MM. He said this about HANSON:

"They are tools of the devil...(words i forgot but nothing major)...they
really scare me, they are puppets controlled by the record company."

"A piece of paper or a piece of cloth doesn't mean anything. It's what you believe. And I want people to think about what they believe. I want them to consider if everything they've been taught, if that's what they want to believe or if that's what they've been told that they have to
Marilyn Manson

"If I could just get them to WANT AN ANSWER,then they'll find it on their own.I don't have any
answer for them.There is a distinct lack of leadership, idols, icons, and superstars for kids to identify with. When I was a kid there was a lot of people that I could look to or look up to and it just seems like there's not that anymore."
Marilyn Manson

On the bible:
"I like it as a book.Just like I like "The Cat In The Hat."
Marilyn Manson

"It's when you take away things that kids enjoy is when you cause problems for them,you know, people always think that heavy metal,or rock and roll has always been the source of the problem, but it's when you start to deprive them of that,it's when they start to get bitter."
Marilyn Manson

"Music that's alternative now for me is just stuff that people would despise listening to. I find myself listening to Lionel Richie and Dr. Hook." ...."Well, I don't think there's anything more evil than me and my band mates sitting around before a show,singing "Hello" by Lionel Richie. I thinks that's the heart of darkness."
Marilyn Manson

"I've actually never been a fan of porno. I really never watch it unless I'm stuck in a hotel and that's the only channel you get."
Marilyn Manson

"Find out what's really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference."
Marilyn Manson

"People are very surprised to hear me say that a lot of my values are Christian values. I think that's part of my shock.I just don't like the way that Christianity combined with the influence of television has bred a nation of weakness. (Christian television do get the facts wrong sometimes and the image they portray turns most people off.)"
Marilyn Manson

In responce to the question "What is Marilyn Manson's greatest flaw?" in an AOL
room: "His inability to acknowledge and control his animal instincts."
Marilyn Manson

"I don't want people to miss conceive me as a spokesperson for the Church of Satan."
Marilyn Manson

In responce to Metal Edge's question "What's your favorite item of clothing?": "I have a stained medical jockstrap that I wear on stage,and it's my favorite item because not only does it provide a healthy support for my back and genitals,but it also looks good with brown pantyhose.Most people don't know, brown is the black of the '90s."
Marilyn Manson

"I veiw my job as being someone who is supposed to piss people off.I don't want to be just one of the guys.I don't want to be just a smiling face you see on television presenting some vapid kind of easily digestible garbage.This is rock and roll.I want to be a rock and roll star! Rock and roll is about shaking things up,making people act and react.That's what I do."
Marilyn Manson

"You do what I do because you want attention. I don't want to over analyze what I do,but it probablt is just a thinly veiled cry for attention. I was just a kid 14 years old when I first started putting on my mom's makeup and wearing Halloween masks in the summer. I knew I was different, but it was also my way of getting noticed. All this stuff I'm today is really no different and no more harmful than that.I just want the world to know I'm here."
Marilyn Manson

"I don't want to view myself as some sort of taste maker.This isn't an act this is me! I think that much of what I've done of the last few years has been grossly misinterpreted by those who can't get past the superficial aspects of the presentation.I want to at least hope there are some people out there that understand what this is all about.I push things to the limits and take so many chances because I understand that each and every day could be our last.Wouldn't you act differently right now if you knew that this could be the last day on earth?Well,I treat each and every day that way.The trick is to enjoy each and every day and squeeze every ounce that you can out of it the is the true Marilyn Manson attitude."
Marilyn Manson

"The lyrics and ideals expressed on this album{Antichrist Superstar are those of a character called Antichrist Superstar. I potray this character as does everyone else in America.Those who fal to admit this are the ones who will be afraid and offended."
Marilyn Manson

"This album is far more experimental than Smells Like Children.I freed myself in many ways from any constictions of convention.There were to be no bounds,no limits to where we
wanted to go with the music.Some people have complained that the songs are more depressing this time well,that may be. But deal with it! My music is a reflection of my own personal reality, but I think it's a reality that a lot of people share. My anger is really on display throughout Antichrist Superstar,and maybe it's the anger of everyone else that needs to come out.Maybe I'm more healthy for this society than people want to admit."
Marilyn Manson

"As with anything I do, I think everything is based on reactions and responces."
Marilyn Manson

"Today there seems to be a lack of icons and rocks stars in general.When we grew up there were KISS, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, Iggy Pop and Adam Ant people who had something to say and had quite an impact on music and society.I thought that's what rock and roll was all about too much makeup, setting things on fire,pissing off parents despite what you might have to say once you've got everyone's attention."
Marilyn Manson

"So many people are afraid to enjoy life,they're too worried about thriving off their own suffering.They love to live in fear,wether its going to hell, the end of the world, AIDS, crime, whatever it's got to be,people love to be afraid.That's why they love to watch the news, they love to look at car crashes,or they love to listen to Marilyn Manson. People want their fear, so in return, I give it to them."
Marilyn Manson

"I fear being like everybody I hate, I fear failure, I fear losing control. I love balancing chaos and control with everything I do. I always have a fear of going one way or the other, getting lost in something, or loosing everything and not having something to get lost in... And I fear being a completely acceptable sheep in society."
Marilyn Manson

"Well,the idea,I was writing a lot of lyrics five or six years ago and the name Marilyn Manson,I
thought really describes everything that I had to say, you know,male and female,beauty and ugliness, and it was just very American. It was a statement on the American culture, the power that we give to icons like Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson and since that's where it's always gone from there. It's about the paradox, uh, diametrically opposed archetypes."
Marilyn Manson

View on stupid people - Capitol Ballroom. “I don't think stupid people should breed.”

View on smoking - Underscope Magazine. “I don't believe in cigarettes, in fact when people smoke, I can't hear what ther're saying. I've fined tuned myself to shut out the words of smokers. So I miss out on a lot of conversations.”

View on drugs - AOL Interview. “I respect strong people. Some people can handle drugs, and some people can't. I don't respect drug addicts.”

View on moods - Request Magazine. “I only know I'm moody because people tell me I am. I know it's hard for people to have a relationship with me because my moods change so drastically. I can be very pissed off, and turn that off in a minute and be in a good mood again. It can go the other way too. I guess I'm just very sensitive to what goes on around me. People expect me to be insensitive because of my extreme behavior, but it's really a reflection of how sensitive I am. If I wasn't sensitive, I wouldn't be so pissed off and feel so strong about things.


"I think everything is gonna go out with a Bang. Whether that means the end of the world or the end of Marilyn Manson.The end of a lot of the world as Marilyn Manson sees it.It could mean the end of a lot of things.Christian America has already creasted and is already creating The Antichrist just by believing in the Bible. They are paving their own way to the end of the world, which is very poetic. My hero's are TV evangelists.They're the smartest guys,because they have something to live for, whether it's a lie or not. Whatever,I mean I could belying as well.Everything is full of crap.What's real? What's fake? What makes sense? You could drive yourself crazy.I think once the end of the world does come,then we want to take everyone's children.The next step will be to try to convert them back. We bounce back and forth between the extremities of good and evil and we end up most of the time in the gray area."
Twiggy Ramirez

"I am very vain and I wear dresses more often off than on stage!!!"
Twiggy Ramirez

"I think when the end of the world does come, that when we want to and take everyones children,
the next step will be to try and convert them back. We bounce back and forth between the extremities of Good and Evil and we end up most of the time in the grey area."
Twiggy Ramirez

In responce to Metal Edge's question "What's your favorite item of clothing?":
"My socks."
Twiggy Ramirez


"The opposite of love isn't hatred, its apathy. Love and hate are the same things; different sides of the same coin."
Madonna Wayne Gacy

"In responce to the question "Pogo, do you like vampires?"
"No, I hate vampires. You know, people who think they are a vampire. Here is my challenge, let me walk up to you and shoot you in the chest. No wait, shoot you in the head to stay away from the heart, with a lead bullet, not silver or anything, just regular lead. And if you continue to live, I will believe you are a Vampire. People then say, Well I'm not that kind of Vampire. What do you mean, can you die!? You can't turn into a bat, you can't control the weather, then what the fuck is the point of being a vampire if you have no special powers? Your just a REGULAR PERSON, Fuck off!! So I don't believe any of that shit, you know. If someone walks up to you and shoots you in the face and you live, Wooo, I'll be excited. Wow, a Vampire! Rock on! Otherwise it's a load of shit because they have no special powers. Just because you have fangs and drink blood, so what? I can drink piss. Who cares?"
Madonna Wayne Gacy
