DarkAngel's New Addiction -

Adrian Farenheights TepesRichter Belmont

Okay, I'll admit it...I'm not very good at video games. But ya GOTTA love these two men! The beautiful blond is named Alucard; he was originally named Adrian Farenheights Tepes. He is estimated to be around 400 years old, and he's half vampire and half human. (His mother, Lisa, was human - it was his father who was the vampire!) From what I gather, Alucard used to be evil, but now he's one of the good guys. LOOK at him!!! Does it really matter?!? *g*

The awesome-looking dark haired guy is Richter Belmont. He is 24 years old: he's also the bravest and the best in a long familial line of vampire hunters. Unfortunately, Richter is currently missing...but we know [hope?] he'll return eventually! (Right, Lori?? *hee hee*)

This particular RPG has received glowing reviews from almost anybody who knows their games. I don't seem to have the necessary hand/eye coordination to play well, but you can bet I'm gonna try THIS one out the first chance I get! I just wish one of my friends owned it...Oh, well. I can hope, can't I?

For all the guys viewing this page - there's something here for you, too! Why don't you wander over to page 2? You'll find some WICKED links!

***NOTE:The images on this page are copyrighted to © Konami. In other words...

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For the CastleVania Gallery, go check out my other website, DarkAngel's Lair!
((***not up yet***))

Oh, my GOD! 

Boing!  Boing! E-mail: demon_queene@hotmail.com