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Leslie Young's Platonic Miscellany

In the same journal as my front page used from the Atlantean Research, E. Sykes, 1949 Aug/sept. she has several corralative points. 1. Plato and Herodotus fill in the gaps of another Cosmic Period before the Age of Cronos, as former age is related to the myth of Atreus, and Thyestes as twin hero like myth. She points out another sourceAcusilaus and Hellenicus authors whose works are scanty and lost. she points out Herodotus confirms Plato on Egyptians having king lists back to 11,000 years prior in Egypt. She points out that H.S. Bellamy in his Moon, Myths, and Man,1936, and his The Atlantis Myth have cosmic disaster parallels to that bygone age of Plato's. 2. Plato mentions in politicus (1) (268E-270A) that Atreus and Thyestes belonged to a great complex of stories bearing the same subject some in fragmentary form. Apart from a portent that is said to have marked the quarrel of these two gods described as a token of the golden lamb birth, it is os stated the sun and the stars once rose in the west and set in the east. Plato says the cosmic changes were marked by series of earthquakes and terrestrial uphevels. 3. Herodotus, confirms by saying, "the sun had on four occassions, moved from his wonted course, twice rising where he now sets, and twice setting where he now rises. Egypt was in no degree affected by these changes"

In my thoughts on Crete is that it should be ruled out as to recent and Homeric at best reviewed, because Egypt was affected by the Thera explosion if not pumice ash problems in water and ash fallout water they would have noted that as nearby, recent and significant. Herodotus says like Plato Egypt with the 9,600 B.C. flood comes out fairly good in this, but hears reports of subsidence and destruction which the Pre-Greek marineers supplied to Egypt, and the immigrants that came there. Also, she notes that the earth was said to have twice done this pole shift change since 9,600 B.C.. There is glacial and magnetic and flood levels that prove a minor pole shift had occured within the 9,600 B.C.-2000 A.D. period...She goes on to say "future research must determine whether other sources contributed to the early scientific conceptions which the work of Hans Hoerbiger appear to indicate were nearer to the truth than generally realized." That is truth..... Stonehenge Update Merlin's own name outside of all merwin, morwinan terminology is pure Egyptian and Celtic Barrowed or earlier i.e. Meri+An= "Beloved of Osiris" fitting name for a Grand Vizer...(wizar-urt=Auser-Urt)...."Great Auser or OZ or Aust-Urt, Osiris" in the resurrected form. Stonehenge=Stone+Henq=' Stone of Sacrifice' again semetic Egyptian like Hanged Man as Henq-sacrificed man like Jesus. for what is God's to claim. reported discoveries of 7ft. cannibals 60,000 years ago at the time of Austrailian aborigional influx to Australia, was in South Africa 2000 ft up the Groot Drakenstein Mountain, in Cape Providance, by Mr E. J. Sawyer S. African Archaeologist to him a race of Europeans who reached S. Africa by way of Sahara. Author interjection, I think that these migrations corrilate known migrations at that time southward when the ice sheets to Austraila or land was still accessable with minimal Island hoping. There was a glacial phase in Europe around 60,000 B.C. then a drying period that caused the extermination of some of the larger animals, or they moved and these people followed them southward. One of the first destructions of Atlantis to Cayce falls in the 100,-60,000 B.C. periods and migration was implied. Also, in this old Journal an Egyptian Chambered Tomb in Margate's chalk hillside walls were elaborately decorated with shell mosaics... In S. Africa also shell middens 23/4 miles SE of Simon's town, Rock shelter faces seaward. Artifacts collected two of which look to be Aurignacian-Mousterian culture found inbedded in the lowest shell stratum. Further sites found 4 1/2 miles south of the Steenbras River mouth at map referance 23508545, west side of road shell midden suitable for human occupation sheltered valley and good water. Headland at Rooi Els, 232848 appears old sea bed similar to Cape Hangklip. Shells same manner large bone, remains of a very old and big sea animal. Lowest level of bed 15 ft above sea and mounds or dunes 15-20 feet higher...

Here we see that in s. africa human occupation layers itself to good locations of hunting or shelter we think that some kind of early attemps were made to use an early form atl-atl harpoon stone weapons, and mostly not far from shore to find already died or tugged in or beaching seasons that prehistoric seals or whales were wanton to do...

other related biblo's of Links

use search as S. African Archaeology prehistoric
a couple of referances of related and differant of ancient sites
search yahoo under Margate ,UK. Prehistory
might come up with update on what shell midden theories or how old
Webring about Stonehenge & Merlin in Uk.
I suggest a place to the Kent U.K. regional Archaeology
Atlantis search groups best type simaler to mine in gutzy and carpet lifting
is New Age archaeology group in Australia
ARE or Cayce related sites on Atlantis search
my resources parallel in most of that subject with theirs.

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