LOTR TCG TEAM WILLARD: "Here comes The Pain"

This page is all about Team Willard (for lack of a better name right now). We've made our presence known at tournaments in Mansfield, Middleburg Heights, and the Realms of the Elf-Lord Pre-Release in Newark. We all attended Origins, and definitely showing that we are a force to be reckoned with. Check out the links to our player profiles below!


-It's been AGES since I've updated this section of the site. But, then again there hasn't been that much to update. Summer con season is coming up, and with it more updates!

Team Willard's 2004 U.S. Tour Locations

Yes gang it's ALREADY here. The 2004 US Tour dates and locations for Team Willard. Here goes!

May 14-16: Motor City Con, Novi MI.
June 24-27: Origins, Columbus OH.
August 18-22: GenCon, Indianapolis IN.
August 18-22: DecipherCon, Indianapolis IN.
Fall 2004: Motor City Con, Novi MI.
November 27-28: Mid Ohio Con, Columbus OH.

....And that doesn't even include the number of tournaments and toy shows that we plan on attending!


GO HOME: Go Home
PLAYER PROFILE: DEOGG: Deogg's player profile
PLAYER PROFILE: FU: Fu's Player Profile
PLAYER PROFILE: BEVIS: Bevis' Player Profile
DECIPHER: The Art of Great Games
LORD OF THE RINGS . NET: Official home of The Lord of the Rings