This is what is now my biggest tournament yet: 27 players! This is from the Young Jedi Open Tournament at Origins.

This is the Final Confrontation from the Young Jedi Open Tournament. From left to right is Justin Stauffer, Scott Valentine, and Wes Brown. Scott, along with Joe Helfrich and myself, ran the Open. Wes Brown won both games over Justin to take the YJ Open Championship and earn himself a spot in the World Championships at DecipherCon.

Yeah baby! Here are the 2 lovely young ladies that Decipher had at the booth, demoing the Austin Powers CCG. Anyone who shows up at the Decipher booth should ask for a demo. Lots of fun!

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you....Did you know that I was the WWF Champion.....for all of 30 seconds? But seriously, the belt was at the Comic Images booth, makers of the WWF CCG.


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