SAILOR MOON: DARK JEWEL by: Marie Kelly CHAPTER 1 She was never the type of girl that could be considered beautiful; not by a long shot. She was certainly pleasant to look at; that could be denied, yet she was not the sort of person one would give more than a fleeting glance to, perhaps noticing her shock of hair, but that was all she usually got, a fleeting glance. Not that she was unhappy. Some girls needed to be the center of attention; they were always primping in front of the mirror, attempting to gain an aura of glamour that they did not have. Certainly, she did her fair share of primping, like any normal fourteen year old. Or, rather, she *had*. Yet, somehow, all that seemed silly, and childish. She was still fourteen, and still in Junior High, yet, if you asked her about it, she would have said she was a woman beyond her years, far more mature than they were. For she had something none of the other girls had. She had a boyfriend Her green eyes narrowed, and she pursed her lips. Her boyfriend was late. She had rushed here as soon as she could, skipping the last class -- science, so she could be here early, not even bothering to change out of her uniform, and he did not even have the courtesy to get here on time! "Oooh," she muttered, under her breath, making a fist with her hands. "When that jerk gets here I'll tell him what for! He was SUPPOSED to meet me here at three thirty-" she glanced at her watch "--and he's ALREADY FORTY minutes late!" Like all stereotypical redheads, she was prone to anger, which she usually managed to temper remarkably. "I'm here! Sorry I'm late, Naru-chan," Umino Gurio said apologetically. Osaka Naru crossed her arms, and raised her chin just the slightest bit. "Why were you late?" she asked bitterly. It wasn't like her to be that way, nor was it like Umino to be late. If anything, he was always annoyingly early. Umino laughed, a nervous, high pitched giggle. "Well...uh...I was kind of in detention," he finally managed to say. It was Naru's turn to look surprised. "You were in detention?" She tried not to keep the disbelief out of her voice. "How did *that* happen?!" "Well, uh..." Umino fidgeted, and Naru looked at him. He was not a handsome boy; extremely short, he had short, pale brown hair that stuck up in tufts all over his head. Naru wasn't sure *what* color his eyes were, since he wore such thick spectacles she had never seen them close up. "I was....I brought my ant farm for science class and Usagi tripped over it and-" Naru held up her hand for him to stop. Usagi. He didn't have to say any more. She knew what had happened. Somehow, thanks to Usagi, Umino's ant farm had opened, and the ants had gone scurrying all over the place. "I don't see why you have to get in trouble for what Usagi did!" she cried, her voice uncharacteristically angry. Umino was the kind of person who had, as his greatest weakness, the inability to lie. "Well, uh, I wasn't supposed to bring it to school I got into trouble for that." "It's still Usagi's fault," Naru said. "Where is she?" "She's still at detention. What's wrong with you, Naru? I've never seen you act like this. Usagi's your best friend!" {Yes, yes,} thought Naru bitterly. {That scatterbrained, lazy, food-stuffing girl who couldn't pass a test if her life depended on it is my best friend. Ain't life grand?} She smiled, for Umino, and said to him, "Yes, you're right. Usagi may be a ditz, but she *is* my best friend!" "Naru, I made you something," said Umino, sensing that not all was right with Naru. He couldn't tell what it was, but there was something distinctively wrong with his ladylove. No matter. He knew how to cheer her up. "Ta-da!" he cried, holding a covered plate of food in front of her. "I cooked you something special. Guess what?" It was spicy shrimp. What else could it be? The boy didn't have much of an ability to cook, and his imagination was so lacking that all he ever did cook was spicy shrimp. Still, Naru had to admit, he made a wonderful plate of the tongue biting curls. "Oh, Umino," Naru said, shyly. "I couldn't possibly guess." "Come on, guess," he prodded her gently. This was a fun game they played, one the shy young gentleman enjoyed immensely. Even though he knew Naru knew what it was -- she *must*, for not only was it the only thing he cooked, but the spicy smell was beg- inning to waft up from the covering--he still appreciated her playing the game with him. "TA-DA!" he finally shouted, pulling the cover off. "Spicy Shrimp!" "Oh, Umino!" Naru pretended to act surprised. "For me? You shouldn't have!" "Food?!?!" an all too familiar voice greeted them. "I love food!" Usagi appeared, drooling over the plate. Without even waiting to be asked, Usagi "dug in", using her hands to shovel food into her mouth at a rapid pace, not even bothering to chew properly. Within a space of time of less than a minute, the plate of spicy shrimp was empty, and a very full Usagi sat in front of them. Naru looked angrily at her friend. Usagi was wearing her school uniform, complete with the special brooch she always wore. Naru had no idea how she was able to get away with wearing it; every time she had the slightest discrepancy with her uniform she was punished! Usagi's long, blond hair was pulled up into two ponytails, which hung from odango like buns of hair on either side of her head. "Usagi!" Umino sounded sad. "Those shrimp were for Naru and I." That was the extent of what Umino would say; he never could get into arguments with Usagi. Naru however, could say more. "USAGI-CHAN!" she yelled. "You are being way too selfish! Umino made those shrimp as a special feast for the two of us! Who said you could eat them?" "But I was hungry," Usagi whined. "How?" "Well, I was late for school and I forgot my lunch, so..." Naru had heard *those* excuses before. "It doesn't matter, Usagi-chan," she said seriously. "You had no right to eat our shrimp without asking. Maybe if you got up earlier, and were more careful..." she let her voice trail off meaningfully. Usagi looked up at Naru, and suddenly she understood. "WAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! You're as mean as Rei!" she cried, tears flying from her big blue eyes. Naru and Umino exchanged glances, and each had a giant sweatdrop on the back of their heads, as they listened to Uagi's childish wail. "Come on, Umino," Naru stood up. "Let's go home." "But what about Usagi?" Naru looked at Usagi, continuing to act like a small child. "Let's go," she repeated, more firmly. Naru started walking away, and Umino followed her. He was more certain than ever that there was something.... wrong.....with Naru, but couldn't place his finger on it. Umino was deep in thought, as she walked by. {So, I'm like Rei!} Her thoughts on that subject were angry, and, yes, the slightest bit hurt. {Usagi has so many new friends...the least she could do is introduce me to them!} She gave a small glance back at Umino, who was following her. Was it time? Yes. Again. Tonight. A thrill filled her, and she walked faster. "Naru! Slow down!" Umino panted. "I'm not as fast as you," he added, unnecessarily. Forcing a smile, Naru slowed down and turned to Umino. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she said. The two held hands...Naru noticing with distaste how cold and clammy Umino's was, and went to Naru's apartment. "We can get something to eat at my place." "Hello, Osaka-san," the doorman greeted her. He nodded to Umino, recognizing him yet not knowing his name. "Hello Kei-san," Naru made small talk. "How are you?" "Fine, thanks. Who's your friend?" "His name's Umino Gurio," Naru said. "We're going up to study." "Study?" Umino was confused. "But, Naru, you said you wanted us to go up to your apartment and-" Naru, noticing the strange looks Kei was giving her, giggled."No, I *didn't*, Umino," she said, through clenched teeth. She grabbed him firmly by his upper arm, and half dragged him up the stairs to where her apartment was. The elevator worked perfectly well, yet her apartment was closer to the stairs and, besides that, it would have been *too* awkward to wait for the elevator. She fumbled through the pockets of her school dress, extracted the key, unlocked the door, and opened it. "Umino!" she cried out. "Why did you say that?" "Say what?" Umino was perplexed. "I don't believe in lying, Naru. It's not right. Besides," he added, "You didn't invite me up her to study. You invited me up here for dinner." "Dinner?" Naru was genuinely surprised, although perhaps she shouldn't have been. "Yeah, what did you think I was going to say?" "Ummm...nothing," Naru said. It was time. She could wait no longer. She had done it before; it wasn't that difficult. Poor Umino. She could almost feel sorry for him. Naru gestured to the couch. "Sit down," she said, brightly. "I've got some things to do." {Or rather, some *thing*,} for it was only one thing that had to be done. Purposefully, Naru strode towards her mother's chest. She already had the key; she had stolen it before she went to school. Her mother had already left for work, and so did not notice that it was missing. There was large cabinet, locked. In that cabinet was only one thing...and that was what she needed. Naru made short work of it, and soon the object of her desire was cradled within her hand. A silver jewel, it was not particularly special to the naked eye, and probably would not be worth much on the market. Naru didn't know. For some reason, her mother had never tried to sell it, claiming it as a family heirloom. Never mind the reason. The important thing is that it was here. Naru raised it over her head, and chanted, channeling her energy. The stone began to glow green, slight at first, then greater, until it seemed that the glow could no longer be contained within the jewel. "Naru...?" Umino sounded nervous, as he walked up behind her. "What's going on? What are you doing?" Naru shouted out the final words of the incantation. Then, the glow from the stone shot out like ribbons, engulfing Umino. "Wha--!" he cried, agony in his voice. Naru--!" Then he was silent, saying no more, as the green ribbons encircled him and entered him, completely taking over him. Looking the other way, Naru smiled. Yes...yes...this was the way it had to be. Soon it was over, the green glow faded, and then died altogether. Naru made certain to put the jewel back in its place, and locked it up. "Hello, love," she said, softly, slowly turning around. Umino was gone. In his place was another. He seemed to be in some sort of invisible shield, for his feet wavered a few inches off the ground. He was clothed in gray trousers, and a purple undershirt. His top was ripped, and evil looking scars crossed his chest and back. His hair was quite beautiful. It fell well past his shoulders, with a slight wave and auburn coloring. His head was bowed, and his bright blue eyes, though open, seemed to see nothing. It was obvious he was a very tall, and extremely handsome, man.