Don't sit so close to the TV! You'll ruin your eyes!

Well, I sat close to it anyway, and my eyes are just fine. I have watched and do watch too much TV, but who doesn't?

Animation (humor me)

You think you know what she's doing, so obviously you don't. Feel free to try to find out, though.
Sailor Moon: Links to virtually every Sailor Moon page on Earth (or the Moon), thanks to the Sailor Moon Ring.
Record of Lodoss War: Anime at its finest. Well, IMO, anyway.
Dr. Katz: Merciful God in Heaven above, but this is a funny show. Too bad I don't get it where I live....
: Just another show about a guy whose ten-foot-tall head is home to a small purple alien.

I love The Simpsons, but I'll be damned if I'm going to search through the millions of pages on the subject to find the right link to put here. If you really want to see one, though, you can Comedy Central: Find out what glorious reruns are playing on Comedy Central this week. Ben Stiller, we hardly knew ye.

The Kids in the Hall: Man, I wish this show was still on the air. Learn more about the show in general, see an episode and sketch list, meet some transcripts.

Blackadder: The Dark Ages have never been funnier. My personal favorite is Blackadder II, although III runs a close second, and some episodes of Blackadder I-- particularly the last one-- are pretty darn good. IMO, however, Blackadder Goes Forth isn't worth the magnetic tape it's encoded on. But that's just me.... Check out some fan fiction from the Blackadder listserv, an extensive Blackadder FAQ, and even the scripts online.

And I like Seinfeld, and most other stuff everyone likes... but I have the same attitude here that I have about The Simpsons. You can search for a good site yourself ... not that there's anything wrong with that.

This sucks: Take me back.