Contact Me

Hey, you there!  I see you!  Talk to me!  Dragons don't get out much...


There are several ways to contact me, and I always respond too!
(Not always in a timely manner... but I do!)

First, there are the Guestbooks! :-)  Sign One!!!  (Please)

Sign My Guest Book(s)!!!  (Please)

Lee's Basic Guest Book  (This Plain ol' linked text)

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook



Instant Messagers

ICQ #: 4142205

AOL IM: Diogeneia

Virtual Chatroom

To visit me at my chatroom in The Palace, you
must first download the USER SOFTWARE at
My Palace chatroom is called The Cave of the Dragon
and it is listed under fantasy & gothic.
Ages 18 and over, please.