Dissed *SO* Bad

"I think there's more women in rock, that's why there's so much empasis on fashion..."  -VH1 Fashion Awards

 "The Difference is the perception"  -to reporters 1997

 "I adored him and felt he was a genius.
I credit them- Gianni and Donatella- with helping me make a transition 
to a new period in my life without compromising who I am." -about Gianni Versace

 "I'm not psychic, but my lyrics are"  -to Kurt Loder

 "What am supposed to do, turn into fucking 
Mother Teresa all of a sudden? Am I supposed to write a country record 
because I had a baby? I've felt more sexual warfare, political, medical, 
and media terror in the last couple months than I've ever felt in my whole life." 
-to Spin

 "Courtney will make it through all of this- 
one of the reasons I love her is that she's so strong," says Bjelland.
Then she laughs. 
"Courtney says she's a cockroach- no matter how hard you stomp on her, she'll still survive." 

  "Are you trying to electrocute me?" She asked, 
"Hey guys," she said to the security team, "could you kick the sh*t out of the guy with the squirt gun? 
If you don't, I will, because when I die, it's not going to be infront of you. 
When I die, it's going to be in a nice quiet bed with a tube down my throat." 
-in a concert

 "I see our daughter and he's right there. 
She looks a lot like him, she is a lot like him, and it's really nice. 
Real sweet, real grumpy, diva, bossy boots, just such a pure heart. 
But it makes me, like, crazy protective. 
I'm just ready to hurt the first person that messes with her."  
-about Frances (and Kurt)

 "I'm so tired of being cool. 
I've been cool forever, been obsessed by it. 
That's what's expected of you when you're a rock musician. 
You become so cool, so cynical, so ironic. 
So now I want to be part of the establishment. 
And I'm not that young anymore. 
My daughter goes to kindergarten and it won't be long before the other kids start asking her 
what her mother does for a living and then it's a h*ll of a lot more cool for her to say her 
mom is an actress than having to say that her mom does stage diving when she's playing gigs. 
Being an actress is so much more respectable and you know what? 
Sometimes I feel like Barbara f***ing Streisand." 

 "Once upon a time," Love begins, watching Frances Bean inspect a hear-shaped pillow 
with a needle and thread left in it, 
"you were the first of your generation. 
Ignore everything else that went on before you" 
-To Frances Bean

 . "Who's that?" Love asks, 
stroking Frances Bean's hair and pointing to a ceramic angel on the bedside table. 
"Daddy," the child responds."  

 "Frances Bean!" the little girl's mother Courtney Love calls from where she watches 
in Forman's director's chair. 
"You have to be nice to Woody because he's my movie pretend-husband." 
Turning, Love whispers, 
"She doesn't like Woody because she's seen us kissing and she flips out about that."  - On the Set

 "The birds, Frances, look at the birds," 
Courtney said softly, her voice cracking. 
"Do you want to fly like the birds?" 

 "You can't please everyone. 
I don't care if I get criticised. 
I don't give a shit if I get a bad review. 
I don't care if people say I'm a bitch or obnoxious, 'cos I am." 

"I always thought I was pretty fabulous before, but WHATEVER! -VH1 Fashion Awards

"Go on take  everything , take  everything , I want you to"