

Vacation: To dream of a paid vacation signifies an increase in income. To pay for it yourself, predicts an unexpected gain or valuable gift.

Vaccination: To see others being vaccinated signifies insincere friends.

Vacuum Cleaner: To use a vacuum cleaner in a dream forecasts success with the opposite sex, unless it broke down, in which case it is a warning to be careful about mixing romance and business.

Valentine: If you sent a valentine, it signifies the opening of a pleasant new door. If you received a valentine in your dream, it predicts some minor romantic troubles or disappointment in a friend.

Valet: To dream of a personal man-servant is a sign of social or community recognition.

Valley: If the valley was green, and beautiful, it signifies that you must work hard for what ever you want; otherwise a valley in your dream suggests that you are under tension due to emotional conflicts.

Vampire: This is a symbol of anxiety and sharp emotional conflict.

Van: A van featured in a dream is a harbinger of good news; if it was carrying household goods, it indicates a change for the better; however if you were riding in it, you are likely to have an opportunity to make a sizeable profit.

Vanilla: If you were aware of this pleasant taste or aroma in your dream, you can expect to receive a gratifying invitation.

Varnish: Using varnish in a dream is a sign that you will advance and prosper through your own prudence and diligence; to see others using it is a warning against letting others meddle in your affairs.

Vase: To dream of a vase portends trials and tribulations.

Vault: A dream of a money vault is a warning against putting on a front which could damage your hopes instead of advancing them.

Veal: A dream of veal is an omen of good luck.

Vegetable: Eating vegetables forecasts a period of ups and downs; growing them is a sign of happy family times ahead; cooking or serving them suggests that success will be slow but sure. If the vegetables in your dream were spoiled or rotten, it signifies a period of disappointments.

Veil: If you saw a bridal veil in your dream, you can expect a change for the better, and if you saw a bride wearing a veil, you can expect to escape payment for some current transgression; a dream of losing a veil signifies that you will suffer a minor embarrassment. Mourning veils portend vexation and disappointmen.

Velvet: In general, a dream involving velvet pertains to material wealth.

Veneer: Dreams of veneer warn against accepting people or things at face value.

Venetian Blinds: Be careful of your actions with the opposite sex, or your reputation may suffer.

Venison: This gamey meat warns of social embarrassment if you don't avoid brash behavior.

Ventriloquist: Watch your tongue if you are listening to the ventriloquist unless you are certain all ears are friendly. If you are the ventriloquist, this is a warning that some ears that pretend to be friendly are not.

Vermin: If you eliminate the vermin, success is predicted. If you don't, current hopes and projects could lead to disappointment.

Vertigo: A vertigo attack warns of exploitation from the opposite sex.

Vest: To dream of a vest is a warning to avoid excesses and impulsive behavior.

Village: A country village means solid achievement while a seaside village points to temporary difficulties. A mountain village predicts an unexpected gain.

Vine: If the vines were healthy with blossoms, you can expect success. If the vines are dry or withered, you should slow down to avoid overtaxing your strength.

Vinegar: A dream with vinegar means a time of unpleasant tasks is coming, although they won't be entirely unrewarding.

Vineyard: If the vines are bearing fruit, you can expect prosperity while barren vines are a warning against speculation.

Violets: Violets signify love. Gathering them portends fame and fortune.

Violin: If the sound is pleasant, the dream augers well for social and domestic affairs, but disharmony or broken strings portend petty quarrels.

Viper: This is a warning that there's a viper in your close circle of friends.

Virgin Mary: A dream of the Virgin Mary portends great happiness.

Visions: Pleasant or strange visions predict a happy surprise. Unpleasant visions are a warning of possible health problems.

Volcano: An erupting volcano signifies that you have been ignoring a potentially dangerous situation. A smoking volcano is a sign of passionate love. An inactive volcano is a warning against new ventures.

Vomit: If you are well off, it is a sign of reverses; but if not, it predicts financial improvement.

Voodoo: This is a warning of being led astray by undesirable associates.

Vote: To dream of voting indicates a lack of self-confidence.

Vow: Regardless of who took the vow, this dream forecasts a happy solution to any domestic or love problems.

Vulture: To see a vulture in your dream signifies you have an enemy or competitor. To see one devouring its prey portends an end to your difficulties. To kill a vulture in your dream forecasts good luck.