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Do you know when a house is evil? Can you feel the chill when a spirit beckons from an empty hallway? Do you even know he is calling and coming after you?

My Great-Aunt Rebecca knew. She knew only too well. She had been running and hiding from something far worse than death. She was foolish enough to think that such a thing was possible.

Rebecca had the misfortune to be born to very strict and proper parents. She had two older sisters who married the husbands that were picked for them, when it was her turn she cried and carried on something fierce. It was to no avail. It was just the way of the times.

Mr Ethan Dobbs was considered quite a catch. He had his own business, and that was important to Rebecca's folks. It didn't make any difference to them that he was in his sixties and she was twenty two. It didn't bother them that he was already twisted in the spine and needed the aid of a cane. The important issue was she was young and beautiful, and with prayer and luck she will bring healthy little Ethans into the world; who will one day inherit the business.

The wedding was small and private. The bride was sad, and kept her eyes averted from both her new husband and her family. The ceremony was over when Ethan stumbled and limped across the floor taking her arm. "Come to Me", he whispered. "No, Never", she twisted free from him and ran from the room.

A couple hours later poor Rebecca was almost thrown into the large black Model-T and taken to her new home. The house though grand in size was as old and run down as Ethan. The musty stink was not unlike him either...NOW you'll "COME TO ME"... he screeched, shaking his cane.

Terrified, she bolted up the stairs and into the first door she saw. Scrambling to escape "she could hear him just outside, in the hallway," she ran through the door at the end of the room.

Never being in the house before, she didn't know it would lead her right back out to the hall and into Ethan's gnarley hands. "No, Never" she screamed as the cane came smashing down on her again, and again. The last blow of the cane put Ethan off balance and both tumbled down the long staircase; both heads smashing open on the old cracked marble floor.

Stories of their deadly union hurt the sale of the house, but in time it was forgotten. Each new owner leaves in a hurry when the echo of "Come to me" breaks the silence of the night. "NO NEVER" answers the slamming doors...My Great-Aunt Marleen's family was one of the owners who vacated in a great hurry...

Submitted by: Kathleen W
Background by: Nancy

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