
I have an incredible and true angel encounter to tell you... It happened to my sister and brother-in-law...

The angel story I am about to tell you, happened in Germany, it was recounted to me by my mother, who heard it straight from my brother-in-law's mouth... And my brother-in-law is a VERY logical no-nonsense kind of man, which gives this angel encounter even more of an impact!

This event occurred well over ten years ago at a military base in Germany where they were stationed.

My sister was pregnant with their fifth child. when my sister, who is also a nurse, went into labor, she KNEW something didn't feel right about this pregnancy and labor, as she had been through it four times before.

My mother, who was staying with my sister and her family in order to take care of my nephew and nieces during this time, saw my sister and her husband off to the hospital.

At the hospital, my sister repeatedly told the nurses and doctors there, that something wasn't right. They just poo-pooed her concerns as being something any woman in labor experienced. The contractions came closer and closer apart, and still none of the medical staff were listening to my sister. when it became apparent that the baby's arrival was imminent, the nurses called for the doctor.

THIS is when the harrowing birth became evident to the medical staff, instead of the baby's ARM came out...The doctor immediately pushed the arm back in and hit the hospital panic button.

Doctors from everywhere poured into the room, and my brother-in-law was forced to stand outside the door, and watch through the door's window. My sister, with only a local anesthetic, ordered the doctors to do whatever they needed to do to save her baby's life! They performed an EMERGENCY C-section on my sister. A blue baby immerged. And was brought back to life.

When everything was over, my brother-in-law thanked all the doctors who saved his wife and baby's life. He wanted to especially thank the SEVENTH doctor; the one who kissed his baby back to life... Only thing is...that there were only SIX doctors in the room, and they insisted there had never been a seventh one in the room...EVER... Shaken, my brother-in-law then realized that the seventh doctor he'd seen in the room, had NOT been a doctor but a Guardian Angel! Not only did my niece live, but she had no brain or physical impairment or damage, which is a miracle in of itself considering how she arrived into the world "cold and blue". My sister was fine too. which also was a miracle, for she most surely would have died giving birth to her youngest child. Had An Angel Not Intervened!

Submitted by: Name Withheld

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