You go to your church, and I'll go to mine,
But let's walk along together;
Our Father has built them side by side,
So let's walk along together.
The road is rough and the way is long,
But we'll help each other over;
You go to your church and I'll go to mine,
But let's walk along together.
You go to your church, and I'll go to mine,
But let's walk along together;
Our heavenly Father is the same,
So let's walk along together.
The chimes of your church ring loud and clear,
They chime with the chimes of my church;
You go to your church, and I'll go to mine,
But let's walk along together.
You go to your church, and I'll go to mine,
But let's walk along together;
Our heavenly Father loves us all,
So let's walk along together.
The Lord will be at my church today,
But He'll be at your church also;
You go to your church, and I'll go to mine,
But let's walk along together.
Author: Phillips H. Lord
My church has but one temple,
Wide as the world is wide,
Set with a million stars,
Where a million hearts abide.
My church has no creed to bar
A single brother man
But says, "come thou and worship"
To ever one who can.
My church has no roof nor walls,
Nor floors save the beautiful sod-
For fear, I would seem to limit
The love of the illimitable God.
Author: Unknown