

Did I say "Thank You," God today
For all the joys along life's way
For morning freshness just at dawn
The lingering dark of nighttime gone,
Did I remember in a prayer
To thank you just for being there,
For leading me through trials and fears
And lending smiles in place of tears.


Did I remember God today
In such a very kindly way,
For hope and faith and trust and love
The knowledge that He rules above,
This whole wide world with beauties grand
The guidance of His sacred hand,
The little things that mean so much
A baby's smile, a mother's touch.


Dear God, and did you hear me say
I thank You in a special way.
Not just for worldly things, you see
But for the love You've given me,
A peace of mind, a joy supreme
A soul to yearn, a heart to dream,
The quiet beauty so sublime
That satisfies this heart of mine.


Did I say "Thank You" soft and sweet
For laughter real and joys complete
And did I kneel in quiet prayer
To thank You for this life so fair,
With all its beauties far and wide
The glories of the country side,
My heart is filled with untold love
I thank You, Gracious One, above.

Author: Garnett Ann Schultz

Poetry IndexAngelsHauntings

