Dobroplayer's Audio Programs

File Name: File Size: 161 K
File Date: 1996 Made By: Sean Carey
Licence: Freeware Conditions: This program is FREEWARE, and as such it may be freely distributed, so long as no fees are charged other than the cost of distribution. The author retains all rights to restrict licensing and use of this software.
Description: Instab is a FREE program for Windows95 and Windows/NT (3.51+) which allows guitarists to easily and quickly generate ASCII tablature files, such as those found on the Usenet newsgroups and, and on the OnLine Guitar Archive (OLGA).

As many have often complained, ASCII tab is nowhere near a perfect way to transcribe guitar music. It is, however, the best thing we've got at the moment. Although ASCII tabs often lack rhythmic notation and precise descriptions of bends and other musical embellishments, it does offer a truly cross-platform medium for easily exchanging guitar music.

Requirements: Windows 95, NT- PC

Click Here to Download Instab 1.0 Now

Musician's CD Player I & II
File Name: File Size: 95.7 K
File Date: 1998 Made By: Roni Music
Licence: Shareware Conditions: Musician's CD Player is a time limited shareware. You may use Musician's CD Player free for a couple of months, but then it reverts to a lite version unless you register it.
Description: Musician's CD Player is a CD player for the PC with an integrated wave file recorder that will slow the recorded file.

Musician's CD Player is designed to allow the user to record a wave file from a CD and then slow the wave file without changing the pitch (i.e. tuning). This allows the user to listen to and learn from a slower version of the selected song or passage of the song. The program can also drop the tuning down one octave if you desire. The rate of speed (i.e. slowing down) can be set by the user. The user can also slow down a previosly recorded wave file of any type, as well as save the slowed wave file for future study. A must-have program for the musician.

Requirements: Windows 95 - PC with CD player - (Optional: A more powerful processor provides quicker file transformation.)

Click Here to Download Musician's CD Player I Now


Click Here to Download Musician's CD Player II Now

(Musician's CD Player II is a later version that you can use if the first version's time has run out on you.
It also has an online way to register the program which the old one doesn't.)

File Name: File Size: 34.1 K
File Date: Aug 27 1996 Made By: Concocted*Logic' and Jim Burrell
Licence: Shareware Conditions: TwoTrak is shareware, it is not a free program. You may use TwoTrak free, but you should register it.
Description: TwoTrak is a two track stereo (4 track mono) wave file recording and mixing program.

TwoTrak is designed to allow the user to record a wave file while listening to the playback of a previously recorded wave file, and then overdub (i.e. combine) the record file on top of the play file. Using this technique, the user can create a wave file containing several instruments and/or voices, much like a song from compact disc or the radio.

Requirements: Windows 95 - Any Windows supported sound card with full duplex drivers (Optional: A more powerful processor provides better file sync with higher sampling and bit rates.)

Click Here to Download TwoTrak Now
