- Rumble
- Very upbeat and still blues....(I hope). More in my experimentation with rock-n-dobro, as well as multitracking on the computer. :-)
- Mary had a Little Lamb
- In my never ending search for tunes that might just work on the dobro, I tried this old favorite
of mine from Stevie Ray Vaughan. Still needs work...but hey, here goes anyway.
- A Tribute to Peador O'Donnell
- I just loved this tune on Jerry Douglas' new release "Restless on the Farm". I just had to try it,
but I'm afraid I don't come close...so go buy J.D's CD. It's still a beautiful tune even though I really haven't quite got it yet.
- Swamp Thang
- An original tune played in open E tuning for that blues sound.
- Katrina's Song
- An original for my favorite person in the whole wide world! I recorded this using the over dubbing
program that I have for download here. The drums are from a midi song, the guitar and dobro are me.
- No More My Land
- Kinda a request...from Troy over at the "Dobro Player's Tune of the Week" page. A real down and dirty blues tune. This tune is
by Rob Ickes from his "Hard Times" CD.
- Jellybeans
- I hope it gives you a smile...It gives me one...
- Bring It On Home
- An old tune...can't remember who did it first. This one is for those who want some blues
- Grant's Corner
- This is my version of another Jerry Douglas song. A really beautiful song that I hope I do justice when I play.
- The Ride
- A very fun song...reminds me of a ride in a convertible on a warm night...
- Eyes Closed
- An original tune that everyone seems to like....hope you do too.
- This tune is one that came to me while I was playing with some different tunings. I have no idea what the actual tuning is but it sounds pretty darn cool....Hope you enjoy it
- A New Day
- This tune is one of my favorites. It's my version of a song by the great Jerry Douglas.
- Steam
- Just something fun!
- If you don't like my page, then......(click here for details)
- You #$*$&#*!
- Another tune from me
- This tune is an original that sounds a little more bluegrassy and upbeat !!!
- Oh download one more of my tunes.....PLEASE !!!
- Kinda rock and roll ( at least as rock and roll as I can make the dobro sound).
- Here's an old time sounding tune....kinda bluesy
- This song is modified from an old tune that a friend gave to me on tape. I have no idea who or when the the tune comes from.
- An original that I call Philly
- Just having fun with some string bends...tryin' for a rock sound.
My version of "Banks of the Ohio"
A real pretty old standard. Hope you like it